I finally gotta job... I don't really like it... I don't have my own room or class or even a place to hang my coat...
but at least... at least... i get paid...
the house fell apart last month... literally... so we moved...to a smaller place without a yard or garage or anything...
we are still looking for a house... just in slow motion right now..
we booked our honeymoon, 15 days (hawaii, vegas and disney)... it should be great... and we will come back with some money unlike everyone else usually does...
i applied for a coaching job... and it looks like i will get it...
we start counsoling on tuesday.. i guess i am kinda excitied...it means its getting closer to our WEDDING!!! wahooo...
we changed our wedding color.. well, i did...b/c there is a champagne tone in my dress, i decided to no longer use pink, but to use a beige-ish-champagne-ish color...