Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas morning

Jonathan loved Christmas! And much to our surprise he actually hated the unwrapping part, could care less about the boxes and just wanted the toys out and ready to play with.

Before the destruction:

The first toy Jonathan opened by himself:

After that he wouldn't stop saying "CAR"... he was so excited. I really don't understand why, since he has never seen one before...

Last but CERTAINLY not least, Santa brought Kota the Dinosaur! Boy, this thing is so cool!

This dinosaur roars and stomps and eats and sniffs and plays music and Jonathan is able to ride on him. I know a some point we are going to find Cheerios in his mouth, well on second thought, Jonathan does not share food well with others...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

They say it's my birthday.....

Matt and Jonathan on Christmas Eve morning, just after opening his ELMO LIVE doll. He loved it... He had his breakfast, (french toast and scrambled eggs) and tore open the box.

Here are the two goof-balls!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let them eat cake

Everyone picked on me because I made Jonathan a special cake, a carrot cake with sugar-free frosting... But I NEVER heard him complain!

Jonathan's first birthday party...

Jonathan's first birthday was kind of a wash, with the storm, virtually no one made it. However, there was enough cake to go around. Aunt Chris, Uncle Marty, Kimmie, Auntie Lori, Auntie Jenny, Grandma and Grandpa 'Cella, Me-ma and Poppy and Ga and Pop-pop were all there... And of course Matt and myself.
Jonathan was so SUPER excited to see the train that his Pop-pop and Ga bought for him..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Down for the count

Jonathan got sick for the first time, and of course it had to begin when we were thousands of miles away from home.
Poor little man...
He scared me, but I bet he was scared also... He's such a brave little man!

Disclaimer: illness was unknown at the time this photo was taken...(I just snapped his photo because he is so darn cute)...

Saturday, December 6, 2008


We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Disney and we can't wait to go back! We are already planning our trip with Ga and Pop-pop (my parents), for some-time next year.... after our crazy plane ride though, we will take the RV... cabin fever here we come!

Disney is so cool, he was so overwhelmed, he fell asleep...

Jonathan loved his Mickey hat and it was the only thing he wanted to wear!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Not our cup of tea...

We have decided, Disney is more our style... Universal is just not for us.

Give us a few years and maybe we will try going to the Universal in Orlando, but we wont return to California, that's for sure....

My first flight!

Jonathan flew for the first time,.... what a trooper... what an angel! We couldn't have asked for more...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I had attended a musical enrichment featuring bongos, so I thought it would be a good idea to bring Matt's bongos to school for the kids. As I asked Matt to pull them out, Jonathan and I sat down to watch TV.
ironically.... Jonathan was watching his favorite show (Jack's Big Music Show) and there was an episode about baby bird that plays the bongo.
We figured he could give them a shot.... BOY, WHAT FUN!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What happened?

We are pretty unsure how this happened, but it's pretty funny...

Submit suggestions....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Discovered bubbles!

Jonathan has discovered how fun bubbles are.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We Voted!

Jonathan and I went to vote despite the fact that lines were suppossed to be very long and the statistics are against us. No time for picture taking there, but he did get a sticker for helping me fill in all the little circles...

Jonathan's first Presidental election will be the most historical election so far in history!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jonathan knows how to find stuff

Everything always ends up under something....
I guess Jonathan saw us looking under furniture a few times too many...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Apple Orchard

Since we were all out of apples and it was absolutely beautiful out, my mom and I decided we should take Jonathan to the Orchard to get some.

He took a little wagon ride, we looked at some pumpkins and then we went shopping! Apples and grape-fruit and maple sugar candy and donuts and cider and tomatoes and fresh ice cream!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Jonathan had worn his costume before, so we anticipated a fairly easy night, of getting him to wear it and march around, well low and behold the "Marcella Men" tradition of throwing a fit when a costume is put on for Halloween!

Once we got going he was fine...
He was happy to go to visit Grandpa 'Cella and steal his hat... Here they are practicing their "boo-ing". I think he would have preferred something other than a banana though.... perhaps Daddy's favorite chocolate bar???

We stopped home after going to Watertown to quickly eat dinner before our 2 house trick or treating began.... Jonathan loves Guisepees!
Our first stop was Great-Grandma's and Great Grandpa's. Here is Jonathan with his Me-Ma and Poppy. He wasn't very interested in the small talk, he was just looking for treats!!!

Lastly we stopped at Grandma and Pop-Pop's (My parents) and he got to eat some pizza, sing a song and take some new fruit snacks home.

By the time we had gotten back home Jonathan was getting the hang of the whole trick or treat thing, but it was bath time, story time and bed time! Maybe next year!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Since I got to finally have a "night off" Matt and I carved pumpkins as soon as Jonathan went to bed...

Matt did a scary face....And I did a head-less horseman... We attempted to watch a scary movie, BUT THERE WEREN'T ANY ON!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jonathan is ALWAYS eating!

It seems like he constantly has food in his mouth, is reaching for it or is crying that he is hungry...

Here he is trying to feed himself... or just chewing on the spoon...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Auntie Jenny

Jen has been doing her very best to watch Jonathan once a week. I really can't tell who enjoys their time together more!

Jonathan had given Jenny a hard time the first few times, but now, she puts him down for a nap like a real pro!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Matt's Show

Matt started playing again in a band. They practice here in the garage, but here is a picture of one of their first shows together at The Annex in NYC..

You can see him on the house set in the back of this shot. That's the only down-fall of being a drummer,...your always in the back!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bath Time!

Jonathan LOVES to take baths in his NEW inflatable duck, but I bet he can't wait for Grandpa to install his big boy tub! :)