Sunday, March 16, 2008

Back to work

I have to go back to work tomorrow and it just might kill me!
I don't want to leave my little mister!
I keep telling myself that it is only for a few hours and a few days then I have the weekend and just a few weeks and I have a nice long week with him again.
This is so hard for me!

Meeting the Marcella's

Jonathan took his first big trip to his first big Marcella family event for Palm Sunday at Aunt Sue's house. Most of the Marcella's had made it to his Baptism, but this was the first time to see everyone and all together.
We were even able to take a four generation picture of the Marcella Men! :)

Friday, March 14, 2008


Jonathan and I went to get his first portraits done at the studio. I am suck a slacker for waiting until he is three months old to do it!
Thankfully my mom was able to work from home and come with me, since this grumpy pants didn't want his picture taken.
I find it hysterical that Jonathan will cheese up the camera at home, but as soon as we step in the studio we have to work for a smile!
Aunt Chris and Uncle Marty were able to get a lot of nice shots regardless of his unwillingness to cooperate!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Jonathan was given the green light to eat oatmeal cereal and pears. I am so excited! He loves it!