I made the usual array of snack-like pick-on foods, but this year I made home-made pizza as well!
Matt and I loved it, Jonathan, well... he wanted left-over sweet potatoes...UGH.
We wanted to watch a movie together, since we had gotten Jonathan a bunch for Christmas, but he wanted no part in watchinf anything other than "Cars" or "Jack's Big Music Show", so that was out... We instead put on the rest of the Disney Parade (which really did feel like a long commercial - as Matt had pointed out). In any event, I think it served it's purpose, since Jonathan was asking to go to Disney...No arguements here!
Jonathan was a bit nudgy today, so lets home he left the last of that in 2009!
Once his teeth were brushed and he listened to a story, we put him to bed and settled downstairs for about an hour of conversation and television until Matt had to leave and go to work for the night... DOUBLE UGH!