Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Big wheel
I remember my first big wheel. I rode it down a hill into a swarm of bees. Jonathan however is under the careful eye of Granma Cella and she has yet to let him chase any bees down with his big wheel. She is usually so nervous that he is riding inside the house or only in the driveway.
Watching him grow is so bitter sweet, a year earlier he could not sit and petal a big wheel, a year before that he could barely sit, and next year he'll be on a bicycle.....
And then I'll be chasing TWO!!!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
My NAKED boy
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I strongly believe at two-and-a-half, Jonathan is ready to take on being a BIG brother. He has long been known as the baby. But as he will assertively tell you when you call him Baby, "I m not a baby. I am a big boy! Katrina is a baby". There you have it.

From the time they are born, brothers and sisters are collaborators and co-conspirators, role models and cautionary tales. They share a relationship unlike anything else. They are our scolds, protectors, goads, tormentors, playmates, counselors, sources of envy, objects of pride. They teach us how to resolve conflicts and how not to; how to conduct friendships and when to walk away from them.
Sisters teach brothers about the mysteries of girls; brothers teach sisters about the puzzle of boys. Our siblings may be the only people we'll ever know who truly qualify as partners for life.
My sweet dear children -
The bond you now share of siblings is truly like no other bond. Together you will laugh, cry, play, grow and change. Some days you will hold each other tight and smother each other with kisses and hugs, while others you will scream and yell and fight. Cherish all the moments you share with one another, be them good or bad...
Jonathan -
As a big brother you have a responsibility with a little sister. You will grow to help Mommy and Daddy a little more around the house. You will be asked to do more, be more, from this day onward. You know have a little person that will idolize and mimic your every move. You have someone to whom you can teach what you learn, show how to play games, and provide an example of good choices for. You can show her how to tie her shoes, how to brush her teeth, how to wash her faces in the morning, and how to put away her toys, that is as soon as you master those skills yourself. Most importantly you now have someone to love, and you will. Remember to watch out for her and to protect her when necessary, but as Daddy and I will stand back a bit and let her decide for herself, it is to you she will run for guidance, always remember that you do not have to have all the answers and that's okay!
Katrina -
As a little sister you have the true honor of looking up to your big brother and wanting to be just like him. Remember that just because he makes a choice does not mean you have to, although he will try his best to always make the right choices, sometimes he will falter, as will you. Do not expect him to have all the answers to all your questions, despite what he may tell you, he does not know everything. Although he will surely always be there for you, remember to give him some space when he needs it. Try to learn from his mistakes, rather than mimicking them, just because you are younger than him does not limit him from learning from you!
From the time they are born, brothers and sisters are collaborators and co-conspirators, role models and cautionary tales. They share a relationship unlike anything else. They are our scolds, protectors, goads, tormentors, playmates, counselors, sources of envy, objects of pride. They teach us how to resolve conflicts and how not to; how to conduct friendships and when to walk away from them.
Sisters teach brothers about the mysteries of girls; brothers teach sisters about the puzzle of boys. Our siblings may be the only people we'll ever know who truly qualify as partners for life.
My sweet dear children -
The bond you now share of siblings is truly like no other bond. Together you will laugh, cry, play, grow and change. Some days you will hold each other tight and smother each other with kisses and hugs, while others you will scream and yell and fight. Cherish all the moments you share with one another, be them good or bad...
Jonathan -
As a big brother you have a responsibility with a little sister. You will grow to help Mommy and Daddy a little more around the house. You will be asked to do more, be more, from this day onward. You know have a little person that will idolize and mimic your every move. You have someone to whom you can teach what you learn, show how to play games, and provide an example of good choices for. You can show her how to tie her shoes, how to brush her teeth, how to wash her faces in the morning, and how to put away her toys, that is as soon as you master those skills yourself. Most importantly you now have someone to love, and you will. Remember to watch out for her and to protect her when necessary, but as Daddy and I will stand back a bit and let her decide for herself, it is to you she will run for guidance, always remember that you do not have to have all the answers and that's okay!
Katrina -
As a little sister you have the true honor of looking up to your big brother and wanting to be just like him. Remember that just because he makes a choice does not mean you have to, although he will try his best to always make the right choices, sometimes he will falter, as will you. Do not expect him to have all the answers to all your questions, despite what he may tell you, he does not know everything. Although he will surely always be there for you, remember to give him some space when he needs it. Try to learn from his mistakes, rather than mimicking them, just because you are younger than him does not limit him from learning from you!
Can we go home now?
Like all mothers I am fascinated by the gaze of my newborn baby girl. Not only is she gorgeous, but she also gives testimony to the very existence of God. Who can ever doubt the presence of a loving Father when holding a new baby, stroking silky-soft skin and seeing tiny but perfect fingers and toes? The Mastermind of the universe has orchestrated all of this. Birth is a beautiful experience.

I could just gaze into her beautiful brand new eyes all day, but the walls of this hospital room feel like they are closing in on me, and I need to hold her in the comfort of our very own home, where people can call and ask to visit, the chores can pile up and her big brother can cover her in kisses....
But here we wait for one doctor after another to okay our exit...
I could just gaze into her beautiful brand new eyes all day, but the walls of this hospital room feel like they are closing in on me, and I need to hold her in the comfort of our very own home, where people can call and ask to visit, the chores can pile up and her big brother can cover her in kisses....
But here we wait for one doctor after another to okay our exit...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Holding our new little one...
The day I gave birth to our daugther was the end and the beginning of something beautiful. The culmination of nine months of physical, emotional and spiritual preparation for the birth of our baby, it was also the beginning of our life with children. The birth itself was a transition from one stage of our life together to another. Just holding her and looking into her eyes, I saw my life in a whole new way that day.
My fears of holding my baby melted into joy at the touch of new skin, skin that had never before been "outside." We experienced the joy together, Matt and I, and it has only strengthened the bond of our marriage.
Every birth is unique, and each is a life experience, one that should be shared by husband and wife, mother and father, as they grow not only a baby, but also a family.
Long awaited arrival
I am not a fan of pregnancy, so the fact that our little girl went beyond the expected 36 weeks did not put a smile on my face!
Finally, she decided to make her entrance into the world on.....

May 18, at 9:37 am.
Despite the fact that I complain about the pregnancy, it wasn't all that that its over! I guess I am not a big fan of all the waiting... That is definitely the worse part. The birth itself is pretty easy, as far as labor goes....
My contractions started at 6:45 am on the 18th, and progressed VERY quickly(although I felt exhausted and pretty darn crappy since the afternoon of the 17th). My water did not break on its own, which I had expected. Matt and I drove right to the hospital and because of traffic, the doctor actually beat us this time! Upon arrival, the initial check showed I was seven centimeters dilated, which also surprised me, since with Jonathan I arrived completely ready to go. I guess seven was enough though, or maybe it was my history, because we were moved right in to the delivery room. At 9:22 am, the dr. broke my water and told me I could start pushing when-ever I was ready. I waited a few moments to "get the nerve", and started at 9:30, Katrina made her much awaited entrance into this world at 9:37. Unfortunately, just to scare Matt and I, she exited too quickly so there was a lot of mucus remaining inside her and the umbilical cord was wrapped around her, fortunately, the doctors acted very quickly.
Finally, she decided to make her entrance into the world on.....
May 18, at 9:37 am.
Despite the fact that I complain about the pregnancy, it wasn't all that that its over! I guess I am not a big fan of all the waiting... That is definitely the worse part. The birth itself is pretty easy, as far as labor goes....
My contractions started at 6:45 am on the 18th, and progressed VERY quickly(although I felt exhausted and pretty darn crappy since the afternoon of the 17th). My water did not break on its own, which I had expected. Matt and I drove right to the hospital and because of traffic, the doctor actually beat us this time! Upon arrival, the initial check showed I was seven centimeters dilated, which also surprised me, since with Jonathan I arrived completely ready to go. I guess seven was enough though, or maybe it was my history, because we were moved right in to the delivery room. At 9:22 am, the dr. broke my water and told me I could start pushing when-ever I was ready. I waited a few moments to "get the nerve", and started at 9:30, Katrina made her much awaited entrance into this world at 9:37. Unfortunately, just to scare Matt and I, she exited too quickly so there was a lot of mucus remaining inside her and the umbilical cord was wrapped around her, fortunately, the doctors acted very quickly.
Monday, May 10, 2010
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