Monday, February 11, 2008


Since Matt is back at work (times two), I am having a hard time just letting Jonathan cry-it-out. I feel so guilty when he wakes up Matt at night, especially since I am home all day anyway! If Jonathan wakes me up, it's one thing, (since I usually don't have to be anywhere the next day), but if his crying wakes up Matt, I feel awful!
Although at the same time, it is ruining Jonathan's schedule and routine and spoiling him when I jump up to comfort him each and every-time he cries at night.
It is still too cold to put Jonathan in his own room, which makes it so much harder at night to keep him quiet, since he sleeps about an inch from our bed in the bassinet. It seems like he is waking up every two hours even before the little timer goes off! How does he know?
In any event, most nights he is so much quieter if I just lay him between Matt and I, which is a horrible habit. But at least I know he is safe and warm and quiet...

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