Tuesday, April 6, 2010

quilting for the kids

After looking all over online and seeing the cost of the nursery bedding for anything decent. Being on a limited budget, it just would not be feasible for me to spend a hundred dollars on a comforter set that may or not actually be used, and even then, for how long?
So I decided to pull out some patterns and put together a quilt for the little lady. I found the most adorable butterfly quilt pattern for Katrina, (that I of course had to modify to make it "mine"), but one for Jonathan was harder to come by. I could not find a pattern that I liked enough, so I decided to stick with the boring old square patterned quilt and use fabric he REALLY likes!
So, now, I have this HUGE project to do and no time to do it in....BUT, it's for my babies, so I WILL find the time! :)

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