June was a REALY rough month for us. Now that it is July, we all are determined things will be looking up!
It started off alright, and turned to bad fast!
I worked daily and did not get paid the entire month...Matt worked ungodly hours and was told there is no overtime and no compensation time anymore, and what's worse, he had to cover extra shifts BEFORE he was told this! Jonathan decided he did not want to do ANY school work at home, and when Matt and I researched preschools, we re-discovered that most if not all, were overpriced and undereducated... Halfway through the month, Katrina needed to be hospitalizted for an extended period of time, of course this did not happen until AFTER, Matt switched the insurance to save a little bit of money. While Katrina was in the hospital, which happened to be Father's Day weekend, I developed another eye ulcer, Matt had to work 3rd shift, and Jonathan shuffling became a MESS!
BUT now its July...and the changes have begun...hooray!
First, Matt hears he is up for a promotion, fingers crossed, more money and less hours! Second, Jonathan is consistently out of pull-ups, so his June refression period is over!
Third, I finally got paid.
Fourth, we are successfully on our first family vaction as a faastic family of FOUR!
Fifth, Matt's educational stock reward is on its way!
Sixth, my ulcer has cleared naturally and my OB has given me the A O K to drive, swim and play (which is good since I have a game).
Seven, and MOST IMPORTANT, Katrina has successfully taken her last dose of antibiotics and can now be deemed a HEALTHY girl!
Now we can really look foward to Katrina's Baptism next weekend, which Father Bob has been approved to do AT SAINT MARY'S (and the other adventures this summer WILL hold!