Friday, March 30, 2012

Indoor Activities I MUST try

Browsing through the internet or magazines or newspapers, there are always a few ideas for indoor activities in the winter... BUT, now that April is approaching I wanted to compile some for those unexpected rainy days

  • Magnet Face -- just like the "old school" Wooly Willy using the magnet dust to create a face, use magnet pieces to make a face on a tin lid

  • Color Search --- Use cleaned out SAFE edge tin cans to fill with objects around the house in each of the common colors, RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, GREEN, PINK, BLUE

  • Water beads --- We HAVE done this, prepare for water to spill, AND plan to let the beads soak 12-24 hours overnight BEFORE the activity.

  • Hallway Hopscotch --- using regular old masking tape on the floor

  • Ice Cube Boats --- Again MUST freeze overnight, colored water in ice cube trays with toothpicks or straws in the middle held in place with plastic wrap OR clothes pins.

  • ONE-OF-A-MILLION Literature Activities: Cloud Blots from It Looked Like Spilt Milk

  • Toy Evacuation ---- Hide toys in ice OR jello and allow children to dig the toys out.

  • Milk Coloring ---using milk, food coloring and soap in a BAGGY to keep clean, just push around with a paint brush to make a BEAUTIFUL picture.

  • Water Play --- not the usual water play, but use a chalk board and a paint brush for CLEAN fun!

  • PLAY make-believe! ---No really! Pretend your in a grocery store, a tea party, a doctors office, ANYTHING, ANYWHERE.

  • Q-Tip Art --- Using q-tips to make dot pictures with paint or colored glue.

  • Bag of Art --- a few drops of paint in a baggy, closed tightly and let the good times roll.

  • Stained glass paper -- An oldie but a goodie, tissue paper on white paper

  • Flying Cars --- All you need is yarm a paper car/boat/train and a straw to "blow" across the 'sky'

Monday, March 26, 2012

Karate is our #1 Physical Activity

My little man was promoted to a blue belt! GREAT JOB Blue Monkeys!

Watching him earn his belt made me think about all the children who do NOT participate in athletics and group activities. Physical activities are SO important!
SO MANY great things we don't have to worry about when we promote physical activities in our household!
According to The American Heart Association physical activity can help children:
  • controlling weight

  • reducing blood pressure

  • raising HDL ("good") cholesterol

  • reducing the risk of diabetes and some kinds of cancer

  • improved psychological well-being, including gaining more self-confidence and higher self-esteem

Kids NEED to be more active! Parents NEED to turn off the electronics and GET outside with their children or just GET ACTIVE! No-one has ever said "your child gets too much physical activity" or "your child has TOO many healthy activities" or even "You all watch too little tv"....

Thursday, March 22, 2012

There is NOTHING better...

watching your two beautiful babies sitting and talking and enjoying each other's company. Especially awesome it is to watch little man read to me bean!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

It aint easy being green!

The kids did so well on our road race that we were able to stop at Dunkin Donuts and get GREEN donuts! SUGAR! AHHHHH! The kids had green faces and hands for a LOOOONG time!


We spent the day yesterday learning about Ireland and constructing Leprechaun traps.

Once we built it, and set it and we were visited by a little leprechaun who made a BIG mess!

Confetti on the floor, coins inside the trap and little green footprints on the floors and walls!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Training for my new adventure

More schedule tightening it is!
Hold on tight, WE can do it!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Family heirloom

Trina was giving a ring of her birthstone from my grandmother, (her great-grand-mother) which belonged to my great-grandmother (her GREAT, GREAT GRANDMOTHER). Pretty awesome! With her fascination with jewelry in full force, she'll go nuts when she actually gets to wear it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Having a little snack

When Jack has a snack, little Bean likes to have some too!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Just playin'

When Trina plays, a mess ALWAYS follows!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Birthday Parties!

Happy birthday to our little friends, Lucas & Jayden...

Busy week

I am working hard at balancing everyone's schedule and I know its difficult, but I hope it is REALLY worth all the effort I am putting into it.
Between Jack's lessons, reading classes, Karate, play-dates, learning camp and races, Trina's library play-time, learning camp, lessons, play dates and birthday parties... I am barely having time to eat or sleep... BUT, the kids are happy, the house is clean AND I am working from home ENOUGH hours to pay for our activities..
NEXT stop, saving up for something fun for mom... the question is... what will I have time to do for me?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Road Race

Its FLIPPIN' cold, BUT we made a commitment.. so we're RUNNNNNIN'!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rainy Day Monet

Create a "tie-dye" craft. Do the first part indoors: Grab some coffee filters and have the kids color them with markers (not washable ones), and lay them on a cookie sheet. Then put them outside in the rain and watch the colors run. Bring them inside, and after they dry, the kids can make flowers: Pinch each filter in the middle and twist, then wrap a green pipe cleaner around to make a stem.

Take your kids on a "rescue the worms" walk. (You don't have to touch 'em!) Stroll around the neighborhood and let your kids pick them up off the sidewalk and toss them back into the grass. When you're home, go to and search for cool info on earthworms.

Do a rainy-day Monet. Head outside with some sidewalk chalk. When it's wet, it works almost like paint!

Have a splash. Take a bunch of bath toys outdoors -- boats, buckets, cups -- and play in a puddle, or find a "stream" at the edge of the street (if you live on a safe one) and race a boat against a lightweight ball.

Make a rain catcher. If you just want to stay inside, have your child decorate a two-liter soda bottle, and measure and mark half-inches with a Sharpie. Then you cut off the top and put it outside a window where you can see it from inside. Set some fun goals: "When it gets to half an inch, we'll play a board game. When it gets to an inch, we'll make cookies..." etc.!

Girls Night In... MY, night out

So, I have yet another SUCCESSFUL, profitable and FUN Pampered Chef show...
This time with my new FAVORITE mom's in the WORLD!
Never have I had the pleasure of spending time with such wonderful, down to earth, real and relate-able moms...
I had a a FANTASTIC time, and I hope the next time we have a mom's night, I don't have to "work"...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Yup, school in our Pjs....

Training for my new adventure

More schedule tightening it is!
Hold on tight, WE can do it! Anyone who was watching what has been going on here, might cry. The children are managing, barely but they are... Matt and I are sleepless and underpaid... but there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Science Class

Babydoll dancing.....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Family portrait

What's Happening in March

  1. Pig Day
  2. Namesake Day
  3. Read Across America Day
  4. National Anthem Day /Grammar Day
  5. Day of Prayer
  6. Newspaper Week

  7. Barbie Day
  8. Mario Day
  9. Dream Day / Johnny Appleseed
  10. Girl Scout Day
  11. Donald Duck Day/Ear Muffs Day
  12. Potato Chip Day /Wildlife Week
  13. Napping Day
  14. Truth Day
  15. Saint Patrick’s Day
  16. Incredible kid Day

  17. Jump Day /Spring Equinox
  18. End to Discrimination Day /Folk Tales/Fables Week
  19. Forever Young Day /Goof-Off Day
  20. Puppy Day
  21. Chocolate-covered-raisins Day
  22. Pecan Day

  23. Country Music Day
  24. Palm Sunday

  25. Doctor Day
  • Red Cross Month
  • Music Education Month
  • Craft Month
  • Nutrition Month
  • Vision Month