Friday, March 30, 2012

Indoor Activities I MUST try

Browsing through the internet or magazines or newspapers, there are always a few ideas for indoor activities in the winter... BUT, now that April is approaching I wanted to compile some for those unexpected rainy days

  • Magnet Face -- just like the "old school" Wooly Willy using the magnet dust to create a face, use magnet pieces to make a face on a tin lid

  • Color Search --- Use cleaned out SAFE edge tin cans to fill with objects around the house in each of the common colors, RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, GREEN, PINK, BLUE

  • Water beads --- We HAVE done this, prepare for water to spill, AND plan to let the beads soak 12-24 hours overnight BEFORE the activity.

  • Hallway Hopscotch --- using regular old masking tape on the floor

  • Ice Cube Boats --- Again MUST freeze overnight, colored water in ice cube trays with toothpicks or straws in the middle held in place with plastic wrap OR clothes pins.

  • ONE-OF-A-MILLION Literature Activities: Cloud Blots from It Looked Like Spilt Milk

  • Toy Evacuation ---- Hide toys in ice OR jello and allow children to dig the toys out.

  • Milk Coloring ---using milk, food coloring and soap in a BAGGY to keep clean, just push around with a paint brush to make a BEAUTIFUL picture.

  • Water Play --- not the usual water play, but use a chalk board and a paint brush for CLEAN fun!

  • PLAY make-believe! ---No really! Pretend your in a grocery store, a tea party, a doctors office, ANYTHING, ANYWHERE.

  • Q-Tip Art --- Using q-tips to make dot pictures with paint or colored glue.

  • Bag of Art --- a few drops of paint in a baggy, closed tightly and let the good times roll.

  • Stained glass paper -- An oldie but a goodie, tissue paper on white paper

  • Flying Cars --- All you need is yarm a paper car/boat/train and a straw to "blow" across the 'sky'

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