There is no question that children will completely change a marriage. We all know this going into it (or at least we should--- and if you miss that part of a marriage or ANY relationship being work,
then shame on you). So, it probably would be a good idea to discuss how you are going to keep the flame burning for the two of you after the kids have arrived.
We first started with our purchase of the Wii game system when we were expecting Jonathan. We played at least one night a week and ordered in. After Katrina arrived, we were FAR too tired at the end of a busy week to play a
game, so this morphed into dinner and a movie (in the living room)... Of course once the children got a wee bit older and we were more comfortable (particularly I), we began our bi-weekly DATE NIGHTS!
Hello date night! Greatest invention for those married with children!
Something as simple as agreeing to a night reserved just for the two of you can keep that connection going. Now, not knowing your specific financial situation please take heed that this evening does not have to bankrupt you. I’m also not suggesting that going on a date night has to be every week, but twice a month wouldn’t be out of the question, would it?
Why is date night so important to parents? We all have different reasons. That's because no two parents are alike. There is one thing all parents have in common, though. They're human beings. Everyone needs a break now and then. All work and no play makes Mom and Dad pretty dull. Even parents deserve a little down time.
For us there are FIVE reasons we NEED to get out on a date night AT LEAST every other week!
1. It's true; parenting is the hardest job ever. If you're a parent, you're nodding your head right now. If you're not, maybe you think there are harder jobs. That's OK.
You'll know better when you have kids of your own. Meanwhile, consider this: Parenting is the only job you can never quit where you have to be on duty 24/7 for the rest of your life. It doesn't even end when your kids have kids of their own. Date night is a small concession for these constant parental duties.
2. Mom and Dad have a relationship too. Date night gives them a chance to socialize without the kids interrupting every few seconds.
The better Mom and Dad's relationship is, the more effective their parenting skills are. They need to present a united front. They can't do that unless they're coming from a place of love.
There is nothing that aides in the developmental of young people more than the modeling of a stable relationship!
3. Kids aren't the only ones who like to play dress up. Date night gives parents a chance to do just that. Getting all dressed up gives parents a break from the dull routine. They can leave their sweats and bathrobes at home. They can look like "real" people again. They can look like the person their spouse fell in love with.
4. Date night brings romance back into the picture. Remember that pretty girl or handsome guy you fell in love with? Rekindle your romance with dinner by candlelight. Exchange kisses in the movie theater. Date night is a chance to be young and in love again.
5. Forget your worries and fiances and problems and enjoy each others company. It doesn't have to cost anything but time!

For our First Night in June, Matt treated me to a show we had seen earlier in the year, but unfortunately missed the beginning and left halfway through the show. This time we were able to enjoy the show from start to finish and it was AMAZING!
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