Friday, November 30, 2012


Natural Induction Methods:

1. Acupressure - There are pressure points in the shoulder well, webbing between thumb and forefinger, heel and small of back. Don't stop there... Get a pedicure, a massage...

2. Balsamic Vinegar - Add a dash to your salad, even chicken when cooking.

3. Bananas - Potassium is meant to help with muscle contractions so being low can offset labor. Bananas have plenty of potassium.

4. Basil - Throw some in your cooking, the fresher, the better.

5. Black/Blue Cohosh - Taken in tea form is a common way to induce labor. Some midwives use it even during labor to increase slow contractions.

6. Borage seed oil - Meant to have similar effects to evening primrose oil - dilating and effacing.

7. Bouncing on ball/ Bumpy car ride/ sex - Spreading your legs as well as the moving up and down can help the baby move down, and sometimes the baby just needs a bit of a jiggle!

8. Castor oil

9. Clary sage oil - Use for aromatherapy as an oil or in a candle.

10. Dancing

11. Dates - Six date fruit a day in the leadup to your EDD is meant to help with dilation.

12. Eggplant - Many people swear by eggplant parmigiana.

13. Evening primrose oil - Can be taken orally from 35 weeks and used internally (good idea to do this at night and use a panty liner) from 38 weeks. It's meant to soften the cervix so that even if you do get induced, the doctor may be able to break your waters and not need any further intervention to bring on labor.

14. Glass of Wine - The slight effects of the alcohol are said to bring on labor, however remember that drinking during pregnancy is NOT recommended.

15. Golden seal - Taken in tablet form is easiest.

16. Licorice - Try to get the natural kind - Like castor oil, some people claim that the slightly laxative effect can cause cramps in the bowel which lead to contractions.

17. Mandarin oil on heels

18. Motherwort - Taken in tea or pill form.

19. Nipple stimulation - Needs to be done for approx an hour at a time.

20. Oregano - Throw some in your cooking!

21. Pineapple - Best taken fresh and raw.

22. Quinine - Not quite sure how it works but I've read that it is used in various countries - either pill or liquid form.

23. Raspberry leaf - Taken either as a tea or pill. Start at about 34 weeks - definitely strengthens the uterus, leading to a (hopefully) shorter labor, because each contraction can achieve more.

24. Relaxation excercises - Try some relaxing music and just lie back or even join a meditation class.

25. Spicy food - The reason it works may be because of the upset it causes to the digestive system which then upsets the uterus.

26. Squats - Doing a few of these each day often helps to move the baby down and into position.

27. Squaw Vine - Old remedy. Not sure how well it works.

28. Stretch and sweep of membranes - Your midwife or doctor can perform this simple procedure. A finger is inserted into the cervix and a gentle 'sweep' of the finger slightly separates the uterus wall and amniotic sac, sometimes leading to labor within hours or days. Some women say it's an easy, painless procedure, others claim it can be very painful. How well it works can also depend on if you are very far dilated or not.

29. Swimming - Relaxed swimming can help bring out the baby - both the water and the movement help.

30. Thyme Tea

31. Visualisation excercises - Many women swear by these. Try making a recording of yourself talking about the baby moving down, preparing to be born etc or just imagine it in your head.

32. Walking - The bumping up and down can help the baby move into the birth canal. In fact, this is one of the few ways that most doctors agree on for starting labor.

33. Yoga - Many places offer special classes for all stages of pregnancy.

For a few more, please visit:

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