Since my little man is not here yet, I have these last few (I hope) late nights in which I am able to devote to research and writing...
One of the topics I have resarched is
How to Shorten Labor
which seems to be a lost cause for me!

- Evening Primrose Oil
- Evening primrose oil can be used from from 35 weeks.
- The oil contains prostaglandin, a natural form of the gel that is often inserted during a medical induction of labor.
- Its main function is to soften the cervix, meaning that your body will have to do less work to dilate you to the full 10cm required for birth.
- You can take the pills orally and also insert one internally – this is best done at night with a pad in place.
- Raspberry Leaf Tea or Pills
- Raspberry leaf has long been used to treat a variety of women’s problems including menstrual problems; it also has the added benefit of strengthening the uterus and decreasing the risk of bleeding and haemorrage during and after birth.
- Stronger uterus muscles achieve more with each contraction, which generally shortens labor times.
- The best option is to take raspberry leaf in the tablet form, as it is far stronger than the tea and therefore more likely to have the desired effect.
- You can start taking the tea or pills as early as 32 weeks – starting too late will decrease the chance they will help when labor begins.
- Good Posture
- Try your best to sit up straight and with your legs as wide as possible – slouching can be bad for two reasons:
- Baby is more likely to move into a posterior position if you slouch, causing painful back labor.
- Correct posture helps your body open up, push baby into the correct position and align your pelvis correctly.
- Avoid warm showers/baths
- Although hot baths or showers are a common recommendation to help speed up labor, they can actually have the opposite effect in early labor.
- It’s important to not have a bath or shower till you are in full established labor – otherwise labor can slow down or in some cases, stop altogether.
- Don’t avoid showers altogether though – you may get a bit smelly! But if you are having intermittent contractions or think you are in early labour, hold off for awhile.
- Pain Relieve
- Although the idea of labor without pain relief can be quite scary to many women, if you’re able to manage it, it can help shorten your labor.
- Drugs can interfere with the body’s natural ability to contract properly and therefore increase your labor time. But if you can’t go without pain relief – don’t stress. Sometimes you need it to help you get through the most painful parts of the labor
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