We have always had our date nights, at least once a month in order to 're-connect' and share the value of our relationship, because the BEST things we can be for our children are not only good parents, but good models of a relationship built on mutual love and respect.
In addition to our date nights, I have created a self-imposed challenge of NOT talking about work, or the kids when we are on our dates.... without television to fall back on, that pretty much leaves NOTHING for me to talk about, unless he wants to know how much I just spent on a 1/2 lb. of string beans, I am all out of ideas.... or at least I thought was. That was until I asked some of my mom friends, and their ideas reminded me of what it was like to "date", and the awkwardness of finding converstational topics that were not to risque, yet revealed something about the partner...
I decided to compose a list of questions:
- if you were granted one wish, what would it be
- if you could spend one night alone with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be
- if time travel were possible, where would you go
- if you found out for certain there is/isnt heaven or hell, how would it change your life
- if you had to name one thing in your life that you feel the most guilty about, what would it be
- if you could rid the earth of one thing, what would it be
- if you had the power to hypnotize anyone, who would you pick and why... what would you ask, say, do
- what one thing gives you the most comfort
- if you had to give up your favorite food forever, what is the amount of money you would demand in exchange
- what frightens you most about growing older
- if you could be more ambitious in one aspect of your life, which would it be
- what is the most sensual part of your body
- if you had to make one for a public place, what would your nonverbal sign be
- if you had to grab the buttock of a famous person, whos would you
- what is the biggest turn off
- if you could only be intimate at the same time of day, forever, what time would you pick
- if God were to grant you one favor, what would you ask for
- where do you think your fears come from
- what is something you intended to do today but did not
- what is one word to describe you, me
- what do people do in traffic that bugs you
- what is your biggest parenting goal
- what is something you have never done, but want to, why
- what is your favorite memory of our wedding day
- whats your favorite smell
- what type of volunteer work do you think you are best suited for
- what attracted you to me before we married
- what is the most romantic thing i could do for you
- if walls could talk what would ours say
- what makes you feel loved
- what could i do to help you best for the next 30 days
- if you could change anything about the way i treat you, what would it be
- in what way would you like me to change personally over the next year
- what causes most of your stress
- if you had only 6 months to live, how would you spend it
- what do you see as your greatest strengths, mine
- what action of mine provides you with the most pleasure
- what do you enjoy doing with me
- what is the craziest dream you ever had
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