Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Jonathan to English Dictionary
Ninam = I am
1 In speaking about oneself, using the singular, present tense of the verb to be.
Ninam a good boy.
Apresureate = Apprecite
1) To acknowledge the help of another with genuine thanks.
I got this for you; you apresureate that?
Yeth = Yes
1) A positive affirmation in response to a posed question.
I do want cereal, yeth.
Espinaton = Explination
1) To provide a solution or resonse to given problem.
There is an espination for the flower vase falling.
Flavorite = Favorite
1) An word used to describe a noun that is a top choice for an individual.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is my flavorite show.
Skoo Scat = Who's that
1) A question referring to who is presently visible.
Skoo Scat looking in the window?
Bumbumbee = bumblebee
1) A small, yellow and black winged insect with the ability to fly and sting.
I see a bumbumbee on that flower.
Everyguys = Everyone
1) All the people in a given area.
Hello, everyguys!
Hosed = watering
1) To water the plants or grass using the hose.
I just hosed the roses.
1 In speaking about oneself, using the singular, present tense of the verb to be.
Ninam a good boy.
Apresureate = Apprecite
1) To acknowledge the help of another with genuine thanks.
I got this for you; you apresureate that?
Yeth = Yes
1) A positive affirmation in response to a posed question.
I do want cereal, yeth.
Espinaton = Explination
1) To provide a solution or resonse to given problem.
There is an espination for the flower vase falling.
Flavorite = Favorite
1) An word used to describe a noun that is a top choice for an individual.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is my flavorite show.
Skoo Scat = Who's that
1) A question referring to who is presently visible.
Skoo Scat looking in the window?
Bumbumbee = bumblebee
1) A small, yellow and black winged insect with the ability to fly and sting.
I see a bumbumbee on that flower.
Everyguys = Everyone
1) All the people in a given area.
Hello, everyguys!
Hosed = watering
1) To water the plants or grass using the hose.
I just hosed the roses.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Marble Jar
In order to run a smooth household with a two-year-old, it has become apparent that "Super Nanny" has something right in giving a reward jar, and since it is a method I have always used with GREAT success in the classroom, why not?!
Jonathan loves it!
We use it to get him to try new foods, use the potty, have good manners and make good overall choices... and it works!
Friday, June 25, 2010
There was an instant, amazing transformation in Jonathan once the 24th of June came around. It could have been him relizing he hads responsibilities as a big brother, or that he is begining to reccognize what appropriate behavior looks like.... either way he is no longer "acting two", in his mind, he is already three....
Judging by his behavior lately, I will take threes anyday over the twos...
Judging by his behavior lately, I will take threes anyday over the twos...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Going HOME
Household Manual -pets
How many pets do you have and what do they require?
We have 1 pet: Kali, our dog and she needs to be walked once a day and let out on her run several times a day. She also needs her food and water to be filled first thing in the morning and one other time during the day, but we usually wait until it empties. This is something Matt usually does. Kali's water ALWAYS has to be filtered or she WILL NOT drink it.
I also clean up poop whenever the children are outside on the play-scape.
Household Manual -relationship
How would you describe your relationship with your partner?
We complete each other, as silly as it sounds. I think Matt would agree in that when we are apart we do not feel "whole", yet we are not just each half a person, we have our own personalities and styles, BUT we truly enjoy each others company.
What is the best thing about your relationship?
The best thing about is we get along. He trusts and respects me and he listens to my ideas- and I him. Matt and I are best friends and partners and we tag team on every aspect of our lives. We both have big dreams and big aspirations and we work together to fulfill those dreams every day.
What annoys you about your partner?
I don't like it when Matt gets too angry with the kids. I like to be more encouraging with my words and always be positive.
Another thing that bothers Matt about me is our work schedules, but it is essential at this point, so I deal with it. It also bothers me that Matt works out for 90 minutes a day, sometimes postponing our daily activities. It sometimes feels that the workout comes before the family and it is a little annoying.
What do your partner and you disagree about the most?
One of the biggest things that we disagree about is that when to give a time-out to the children and the consistently of such.
What happens when you disagree?
When we disagree we both really annoyed. We are not yellers, but I tend to not listen to what Matt will tell me because I am talking through him. We strive to always wait until the children are not in the room to disagree, but it is still done in a quiet respectful manner.
Household Manual -education
How do you feel about education?
As an educator, education is a central focus of our lives! Matt and I believe that education is a very important part of achieving. We are planning on explaining to the kids at a very early age that once you get your degree, you get your Masters, and then you can get married and… start your life.
We have already started a college fund for each of the kids. I have also already started researching grants and scholarships for both of my children. It is that important to us!
Matt and I both have multiple college degrees and believe that you will achieve whatever you put your mind too!
We also believe for ourselves, as well as our children, that education goes beyond specific college degrees. We, as a family, are constantly educating ourselves through any form of education possible; such as forums, seminars, conferences, parenting books, business networking associations and groups, etc.
Did you or your partner go to college?
Both Mark and I have our Bachelor's and Master's degrees. I have my degree in Sociology, Law and Elementary Education and Child Development and Matt has his in American Studies, National Security, Human Services and Business.
Do you home school your children?
I am a big advocate and supporter of home schooling however it is our plan to continue throughout our children s educational careers. We happen to thankfully live in a very good public education area, however we are seeking MORE for our children than what the school system can offer.
Are there any rules about homework?
The children will be required to finish their homework immediately after school. When they get home from school they have a quick snack, and then I sit with them at the dining room table and help them complete their homework. After they have completed their homework they are then allowed some fun time before dinner.
Is it important that your children go to college?
We expect our kids to go to college, all the way through to getting their Master's degrees. It is of the utmost importance these days and also boosts their confidence and looks great on a resume. We are advising our kids to major in something that is practical.
Household Manual -shopping
Who does the grocery shopping?
I do all of the grocery shopping. I keep a list going and occasionally we all go together.
How often?
We go grocery shopping at least once each week, however, we need an extra stop of two to replenish fruits and vegetables halfway through the week.
Does anyone help with the grocery shopping?
Matt assists me in the coupon clipping and keeping track of our "fruit level".
Who chooses what is bought?
Matt and I both decide on what is bought each week, it is usually based on sales and coupons.
Household Manual -cooking
Who cooks for the family?
I do 99% of the cooking in the house. I control the food in the house because I do the grocery shopping and I think it is important as a mother to provide healthy choices for my family.
Does anyone else ever cook? Who and why?
On Thursday evening the children and I share an extended family meal. And every other Friday night we order in.
Do you all eat together and where do you eat?
Matt and I make it a point to have the whole family together at dinner. We all sit around the table and we spend this time catching up and connecting as a family.
What are your top three dinners? Please include recipes.
1. Grilled chicken, salad, boiled corn on the cob (Lightly buttered), Rice or Pasta tossed cheese Sauce.
2. Grilled pork chops, boiled red potatoes, salad, steamed broccoli lightly buttered add healthy salt (Celtic Sea Salt).
3. Ground turkey Burgers, 100% Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns, salad, green beams steamed & lightly buttered w/ healthy salt, sweet potato french fries.
Do you or anyone in the family have any special dietary requirements? Is there anything you won't eat?
Our diet is very important to us. I would say we strive to eat A TON of fruits and vegetables. We don't do beef, and the kids and I eat only mildly flavored foods.
How often do you eat out at restaurants? Do you take the kids?
Matt and I rarely go out to eat, with or without the children.
What kind of restaurants do you go to?
Matt and I prefer a little more casual dining but on a nicer scale, and always a family atmosphere.
How often do you or your family eat fast/junk food? What kind do you eat?
We never eat fast food. We mostly prefer to take the kids to places with food and games and stuff but try to make the healthier choices.
As far as junk food it is very limited and is used as a reward for eating properly throughout the day. Too much sugar in a kid's diet can lead to improper behavior.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Household Manual -appearance
How would you describe your appearance? Your family's appearance?
Appearance is somewhat important in this household. I believe how you present yourself is a direct correlation to success.When we leave the house we are very well put together, sharp, clean-cut and pressed family.
We will get rid of clothing with holes or stains immediately. We make sure to check the children before they leave the house. When you look and feel good.
Are appearances important to you?
My appearance is very important to me. My appearance is a reflection of my success, my family, and my future. I make sure that my attire is sharp with no rips or holes and no stains. I always want to be and look my best. I am my best me!
I rarely put on makeup, but will if I have the extra time, otherwise its a little bit of lotion and that's all. I spend most of my time getting the children ready and so only have a few minutes to ready myself.
How important are your partner's appearances to you?
My husband's appearance is important to me. He is definitely someone who is good looking, in shape, clean cut and a very sharp dresser.
Matt always makes it a point to look good. He dresses very stylishly, and makes sure his clothes are stain and hole free. He works out 7 times a week trims his hair once a week. He is always handsome.
How important are appearances to your partner?
My appearance is important to Matt. He loves that I stay fit and make myself attractive for him. It is something that we not only do for ourselves, but most importantly, for each other!!!
Is it important to you that your children look good? Is it important to them?
Our children's appearance is also a reflection on our family and we always make sure the children look their best. They are a little too young to care or understand the importance of their appearances as much as we do. Therefore, we do have to keep on them, but we are training them now for their own successful futures.
We want our children to always look their best so we don't want them to be wearing dirty clothes or clothes that don't match.
Do people comment on or notice you and your family when you're out? What do they think?
When my family is out in public people compliment us. People are always saying that I have two beautiful children!
How much time/money do you spend on your appearance?
I spend very little on clothing for the family but I will spend money to make sure and look good for engagements.
Appearance is somewhat important in this household. I believe how you present yourself is a direct correlation to success.When we leave the house we are very well put together, sharp, clean-cut and pressed family.
We will get rid of clothing with holes or stains immediately. We make sure to check the children before they leave the house. When you look and feel good.
Are appearances important to you?
My appearance is very important to me. My appearance is a reflection of my success, my family, and my future. I make sure that my attire is sharp with no rips or holes and no stains. I always want to be and look my best. I am my best me!
I rarely put on makeup, but will if I have the extra time, otherwise its a little bit of lotion and that's all. I spend most of my time getting the children ready and so only have a few minutes to ready myself.
How important are your partner's appearances to you?
My husband's appearance is important to me. He is definitely someone who is good looking, in shape, clean cut and a very sharp dresser.
Matt always makes it a point to look good. He dresses very stylishly, and makes sure his clothes are stain and hole free. He works out 7 times a week trims his hair once a week. He is always handsome.
How important are appearances to your partner?
My appearance is important to Matt. He loves that I stay fit and make myself attractive for him. It is something that we not only do for ourselves, but most importantly, for each other!!!
Is it important to you that your children look good? Is it important to them?
Our children's appearance is also a reflection on our family and we always make sure the children look their best. They are a little too young to care or understand the importance of their appearances as much as we do. Therefore, we do have to keep on them, but we are training them now for their own successful futures.
We want our children to always look their best so we don't want them to be wearing dirty clothes or clothes that don't match.
Do people comment on or notice you and your family when you're out? What do they think?
When my family is out in public people compliment us. People are always saying that I have two beautiful children!
How much time/money do you spend on your appearance?
I spend very little on clothing for the family but I will spend money to make sure and look good for engagements.
Household Manual -finances
Are you spenders or savers?
We are striving to be savers much more now with the state of economy. We are very big on saving money and generating money for our future endeavors and instilling that in our children as well. We have already set up college accounts for the kids.
OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW, and when we are getting rid of the old we like to generate cash from it if at all possible. We will go through the house and get rid of extra toys, clothing we will no longer wear, furniture – any item that is causing clutter and we no longer use and turn it into positive cash flow.
However, we do work hard and enjoy nice things and treating the family every once and a while. As a couple we discuss these expenses to decide if it is better to splurge or to save on a case by case basis.
Who controls the money?
Matt creates the primary source of funding and therefore pays the bills, I make the contribution I can each month and he always keeps me in the loop.
How much allowance do the children receive per week? Do they have to earn their allowance?
We do not give an "allowance" in this house because we don't believe in paying the kids for chores.
If the kids want to earn extra money we will assign them additional tasks and negotiate a price that they can earn. We encourage them to think big and come up with their own ideas of generating cash.
We are striving to be savers much more now with the state of economy. We are very big on saving money and generating money for our future endeavors and instilling that in our children as well. We have already set up college accounts for the kids.
OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW, and when we are getting rid of the old we like to generate cash from it if at all possible. We will go through the house and get rid of extra toys, clothing we will no longer wear, furniture – any item that is causing clutter and we no longer use and turn it into positive cash flow.
However, we do work hard and enjoy nice things and treating the family every once and a while. As a couple we discuss these expenses to decide if it is better to splurge or to save on a case by case basis.
Who controls the money?
Matt creates the primary source of funding and therefore pays the bills, I make the contribution I can each month and he always keeps me in the loop.
How much allowance do the children receive per week? Do they have to earn their allowance?
We do not give an "allowance" in this house because we don't believe in paying the kids for chores.
If the kids want to earn extra money we will assign them additional tasks and negotiate a price that they can earn. We encourage them to think big and come up with their own ideas of generating cash.
Household Manual -leisure
What do you do as a family?
We have Family Night once a week, usually on a Friday. We will either take the kids to some place, we play board games, or we will go out to eat at a restaurant. If we do stay home, we order in.
What do you do as a couple?
Matt and I have movie nights at home, we rarely will leave to go anywhere without the children.
Do your kids have their own social life outside of the family?
The kids gave play dates once or twice a week.
How much of a role do friends play in your life?
With that said, we are both also very busy right now, but we do try and see our friends as much as possible. Matt and I go out with our friends ideally once a week.
We have Family Night once a week, usually on a Friday. We will either take the kids to some place, we play board games, or we will go out to eat at a restaurant. If we do stay home, we order in.
What do you do as a couple?
Matt and I have movie nights at home, we rarely will leave to go anywhere without the children.
Do your kids have their own social life outside of the family?
The kids gave play dates once or twice a week.
How much of a role do friends play in your life?
With that said, we are both also very busy right now, but we do try and see our friends as much as possible. Matt and I go out with our friends ideally once a week.
Household Manual -Weekends
What does the family do on Saturday?
On Saturday morning we like to wake naturally around 7:00am and it is Family Quiet time. We all cuddle in Matt and my bed and watch a cartoon together. Then the children and I will eat breakfast, followed by a walk and some house cleaning...
Once Matt has finished working out for the day, we run errands together or have family time.
At 8pm the kids go to bed and Matt and I enjoy a movie and ice cream together.
What's your Sunday routine?
I wake up at 7 am, make breakfast and the kids and I attend Church, sometimes Matt joins us. After Church we all play together or attend to any minor chores we have left around the house. At approximately 2pm there is undoubtedly a family function to attend to, OR we have dinner with my grandparents. From 5:00-6:00pm is family dinner. Then at 7:30pm we put the kids to bed and spend some time with them and then Matt and I are in bed by 11pm.
On Saturday morning we like to wake naturally around 7:00am and it is Family Quiet time. We all cuddle in Matt and my bed and watch a cartoon together. Then the children and I will eat breakfast, followed by a walk and some house cleaning...
Once Matt has finished working out for the day, we run errands together or have family time.
At 8pm the kids go to bed and Matt and I enjoy a movie and ice cream together.
What's your Sunday routine?
I wake up at 7 am, make breakfast and the kids and I attend Church, sometimes Matt joins us. After Church we all play together or attend to any minor chores we have left around the house. At approximately 2pm there is undoubtedly a family function to attend to, OR we have dinner with my grandparents. From 5:00-6:00pm is family dinner. Then at 7:30pm we put the kids to bed and spend some time with them and then Matt and I are in bed by 11pm.
Household Manual -routines
What time do you get up?
I wake up at 6am in order to get some things in order before the kids are up.
What time does everyone else get out of bed?
Matt is always up between 7-8am, sine he is home after midnight he needs to get his rest in. Matt or I wake the kids around 8:30am (if they do not wake first on there own and get them going. Matt and I always start the day with a positiveness regardless of the day before...
Are you 'morning people?'
I am definitely a morning person. Matt used to be also, but now with the second shift job, he is a night owl and has a harder time in the mornings.
What is the morning routine in your house?
I start each day with chores before the kids wake and try to start breakfast before they wake as well. I have some quiet time before I wake up the kids. I immediately wash my face, brush my teeth and get things going.
At 8:30am I wake the kids (if they haven't woken naturally and start their day off with encouraging "Good Morning" words. I will say things like… "I love you! You're awesome! You're going to have a great day!" I make sure that the kids have on matching clothes that do not have holes or stains on them. I feed them breakfast.
Mark is up between 7-8am and starts the coffee and has some quiet time and does morning works-out. He then joins us for a family breakfast.
Who prepares breakfast? Does the family eat it together?
I cook a healthy breakfast for the kids every morning. The kids and I eat together and Matt joins in when his work-out is complete.
What time do the kids leave for school?
Our children are home-schooled currently and lessons begin at 9am.
Do you ever get to sleep in?
What is your schedule for the day?
I am very motivated and like to stick to a schedule. It is not only important for us with our busy lives, but it is also important to train the kids by example the importance of setting and sticking to a schedule.
I have three different Companies that I run out of my home: Avon, Pampered Chef and my own company which I call Happy Crafty Mama...I never just wanted to be a stay at home Mom. Since I am a certified teacher, it makes sense for me to teach my children at home right now. I want to use my gifts and talents to their fullest and believe that if you don't use it – you lose it!!!
In my typical day I will respond to e-mails via i-phone, so that I can interact with the children simultaneously. The majority of the day I spend engaging the children so that the television can remain off. While they nap/rest, I clean and straighten every chance I get, and sometimes I am lucky enough to close my eyes for a moment as well.
Do the kids have any extra classes or activities after school? Who takes them and picks them up?
We are currently searching for a program that will take Jonathan while still challenging him appropriately, in the meantime he has 2-3 scheduled group activities a week. Katrina and I both accompany him.
If you work outside the home, what time do you get home from work?
I work from home so work can happen at any point, while the children are occupied or under Matt's supervision. If I have an evening show, I try to schedule them on evenings when Matt is not working, otherwise Jonathan spends some time with his aunt or grandparents and Katrina accompanies me.
Matt works outside the home, and leaves during the afternoon "quiet time" 1-2 pm, he does not return until after midnight.
What time is dinner? Who cooks it?
At 5:15pm I start dinner. I will make a healthy dinner for the family unless we are treating the Family to a nice meal out. On Thursdays, the children and I join my grandparents, parents and uncles for an extended family meal.
What is your dinner routine?
At 5:30pm the kids are required to wash their hands and use the bathroom. Once completed they are asked to get a cup for themselves and sit at the table.
Then we have Family dinner time. Every one sits at the dinner table in kitchen to eat together, whether they are hungry or not. This time is very important to us as a family. We spend the time connecting and discussing the day, and each person gets a chance to share their highs points of the day.
When dinner has been completed the children can choose a healthy treat to eat, an apple, smoothie, frozen yogurt, apple sauce, jello or the like.
Who cleans up after dinner?
Matt pitches in a lot (when he is not working) as I do most of the cooking. Otherwise, I do it myself, but not until the children have gone to bed.
What happens after dinner?
We play a quiet game, or have some last chance out-door play. Then every other night the kids get a bath.
Are your kids allowed out during the week? If so do they have a curfew?
The kids are not allowed out during the week on their own. But occasionally go play with family members until bath-time.
Do your kids have set bedtimes?
The kids are in bed by 7:35pm or latest 8:00pm. I want the kids to go to sleep thinking happy thoughts so I'll say encouraging, uplifting words to the kids like "you're a great friend to people. I love you! You are awesome!" And I remind them how important it is to get rest.
What is the bedtime routine with the kids?
The routine begins at 7pm with a bath. Once that is completed, we all cuddle in our bed and listen to a story or two. Then we put on pj's, go downstairs to use the bathroom again and brush teeth. On nights that Matt is working, we also call him at work to say goodnight. Once we hang up we pray, talk a little and kiss them good night.
What else do you do in the evening before you go to bed?
I catch up on chores or work while it is quiet, shower and read.
What time do you go to bed?
At 9pm I get ready for bed, I will read, and then I try and be asleep by 10pm.
I wake up at 6am in order to get some things in order before the kids are up.
What time does everyone else get out of bed?
Matt is always up between 7-8am, sine he is home after midnight he needs to get his rest in. Matt or I wake the kids around 8:30am (if they do not wake first on there own and get them going. Matt and I always start the day with a positiveness regardless of the day before...
Are you 'morning people?'
I am definitely a morning person. Matt used to be also, but now with the second shift job, he is a night owl and has a harder time in the mornings.
What is the morning routine in your house?
I start each day with chores before the kids wake and try to start breakfast before they wake as well. I have some quiet time before I wake up the kids. I immediately wash my face, brush my teeth and get things going.
At 8:30am I wake the kids (if they haven't woken naturally and start their day off with encouraging "Good Morning" words. I will say things like… "I love you! You're awesome! You're going to have a great day!" I make sure that the kids have on matching clothes that do not have holes or stains on them. I feed them breakfast.
Mark is up between 7-8am and starts the coffee and has some quiet time and does morning works-out. He then joins us for a family breakfast.
Who prepares breakfast? Does the family eat it together?
I cook a healthy breakfast for the kids every morning. The kids and I eat together and Matt joins in when his work-out is complete.
What time do the kids leave for school?
Our children are home-schooled currently and lessons begin at 9am.
Do you ever get to sleep in?
What is your schedule for the day?
I am very motivated and like to stick to a schedule. It is not only important for us with our busy lives, but it is also important to train the kids by example the importance of setting and sticking to a schedule.
I have three different Companies that I run out of my home: Avon, Pampered Chef and my own company which I call Happy Crafty Mama...I never just wanted to be a stay at home Mom. Since I am a certified teacher, it makes sense for me to teach my children at home right now. I want to use my gifts and talents to their fullest and believe that if you don't use it – you lose it!!!
In my typical day I will respond to e-mails via i-phone, so that I can interact with the children simultaneously. The majority of the day I spend engaging the children so that the television can remain off. While they nap/rest, I clean and straighten every chance I get, and sometimes I am lucky enough to close my eyes for a moment as well.
Do the kids have any extra classes or activities after school? Who takes them and picks them up?
We are currently searching for a program that will take Jonathan while still challenging him appropriately, in the meantime he has 2-3 scheduled group activities a week. Katrina and I both accompany him.
If you work outside the home, what time do you get home from work?
I work from home so work can happen at any point, while the children are occupied or under Matt's supervision. If I have an evening show, I try to schedule them on evenings when Matt is not working, otherwise Jonathan spends some time with his aunt or grandparents and Katrina accompanies me.
Matt works outside the home, and leaves during the afternoon "quiet time" 1-2 pm, he does not return until after midnight.
What time is dinner? Who cooks it?
At 5:15pm I start dinner. I will make a healthy dinner for the family unless we are treating the Family to a nice meal out. On Thursdays, the children and I join my grandparents, parents and uncles for an extended family meal.
What is your dinner routine?
At 5:30pm the kids are required to wash their hands and use the bathroom. Once completed they are asked to get a cup for themselves and sit at the table.
Then we have Family dinner time. Every one sits at the dinner table in kitchen to eat together, whether they are hungry or not. This time is very important to us as a family. We spend the time connecting and discussing the day, and each person gets a chance to share their highs points of the day.
When dinner has been completed the children can choose a healthy treat to eat, an apple, smoothie, frozen yogurt, apple sauce, jello or the like.
Who cleans up after dinner?
Matt pitches in a lot (when he is not working) as I do most of the cooking. Otherwise, I do it myself, but not until the children have gone to bed.
What happens after dinner?
We play a quiet game, or have some last chance out-door play. Then every other night the kids get a bath.
Are your kids allowed out during the week? If so do they have a curfew?
The kids are not allowed out during the week on their own. But occasionally go play with family members until bath-time.
Do your kids have set bedtimes?
The kids are in bed by 7:35pm or latest 8:00pm. I want the kids to go to sleep thinking happy thoughts so I'll say encouraging, uplifting words to the kids like "you're a great friend to people. I love you! You are awesome!" And I remind them how important it is to get rest.
What is the bedtime routine with the kids?
The routine begins at 7pm with a bath. Once that is completed, we all cuddle in our bed and listen to a story or two. Then we put on pj's, go downstairs to use the bathroom again and brush teeth. On nights that Matt is working, we also call him at work to say goodnight. Once we hang up we pray, talk a little and kiss them good night.
What else do you do in the evening before you go to bed?
I catch up on chores or work while it is quiet, shower and read.
What time do you go to bed?
At 9pm I get ready for bed, I will read, and then I try and be asleep by 10pm.
Household Manual -children
What kind of parent are you?
Matt and I are strict with our kids, definitely not lax. I am the primary disciplinarian and he stands behind me in our parenting style. Matt and I both believe strongly in leading by example. Children learn by what you do, not what you say, so we want to be great examples in that way.
Being a parent means loving, encouraging, disciplining, correcting and training your kids to be productive people of character, integrity and honor. We are training our children while they are young to behave in a responsible, respectful manor and expect them to always approach everything with a happy heart.
Do you parent like you were parented?
In a nutshell, no. I try to be like my mom in that she had an unlimited amount of patience, but she was far to lenient. My father although more rigid, was often a softy as well, and often not present to do the parenting.
Do you and your partner disagree about parenting?
Not really, we are most often on the same page when it comes to our children, and when we are uncertain, we discuss things first.
Are your children well behaved?
In comparison to most kids their age, YES. We do not tolerate bad behavior so we are training the children to obey us the first time we ask them to do something. They are still very young and we are constantly striving to ingrain in our children the importance of respect.
What are your hopes and dreams for your children?
I want my kids to always DREAM BIG and never settle. I want them to follow their passion, and manifest their destiny and make it a reality! I hope that Jonathan and Katrina each find what their unique gifts and talents and use them to realize their dreams. Then we would like them to pursue the things that they're uniquely great at, become some of the best in the world at their callings, and be very fulfilled in what they're doing.
What are your feelings about chores?
Everyone in the family is expected to do something to pitch in including the children. Matt and I believe that chores are very important for our kids to because they build character and train the kids with the necessary skills to be successful in their lives.
We have several different methods in place to keep the kids on track with chores. The best example we have is a marble jar. When the jar is filled the children get a choice out of three possibilities, - like going out to pizza or a special theme restaurant or park or earning a new toy– and once the kids have filled the jar and reached that goal we will take them out. They can earn marbles by helping out when called upon and they can earn extra marbles for obeying mommy and daddy the first time we ask them to do something.
Do you have house rules?
We have a lot of house rules and there are swift and immediate consequences if anyone breaks a house rule. There is no inappropriate language and absolutely no talking back. We are training our kids to do everything without arguing or complaining and always with a good attitude.
The biggest house rule is behaving respectfully to us and to each other. We do not tolerate disrespectful behavior in our home. We do not tolerate the children hitting each other or arguing among themselves or us. We expect them to be kind to everyone. They must always use their words to build people up and be encouraging in everything that comes out of their mouths. I am a big believer in positive reinforcement!
TV and Computer time is limited to 30 minutes dailyt. Too much time in front of the Television or Computer is not good for their brains and we would rather our kids using their imaginations. Matt and I don't want to raise little couch potatoes.
Another one of our rules is that everyone is expected to eat dinner together whether they are hungry or not. Matt and I also require the kids to read and rest for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. They also have to make sure and complete their morning and bedtime routines without complaining.
Do you discipline your children? How often and for what?
If our kids act up there are swift and immediate consequences. We punish the kids for lying, outright disobedience, disrespect and simple lack of cooperation. Our kids are expected to listen and obey the first time. I want them to learn at a young age the consequences of their choices.
Removal of privileges and freedoms is the biggest form of punishment in our home. We will separate the kids and cancel play dates. This usually works pretty well because they are both very social kids and do not like to be by themselves. We will also take away computer and TV privileges.
We have timed time outs (1 minute per year of life) to readjust their attitudes. This is usually based on being disrespectful, talking back or not obeying the first time Matt or I say something.
I believe that you need to let your children learn by the natural consequences of their actions. If our children make a decision, we try to let the consequences of that decision affect the outcome and they will learn from that in the process.
In order for the kids to be their very best everyday they need to be constantly trained to BE THEIR BEST! We want our children to achieve their callings in life and fulfill their true destinies. In order to achieve these it is important for Matt and I to firmly guide and direct them and point them towards their own natural talents and gifts.
Matt and I are strict with our kids, definitely not lax. I am the primary disciplinarian and he stands behind me in our parenting style. Matt and I both believe strongly in leading by example. Children learn by what you do, not what you say, so we want to be great examples in that way.
Being a parent means loving, encouraging, disciplining, correcting and training your kids to be productive people of character, integrity and honor. We are training our children while they are young to behave in a responsible, respectful manor and expect them to always approach everything with a happy heart.
Do you parent like you were parented?
In a nutshell, no. I try to be like my mom in that she had an unlimited amount of patience, but she was far to lenient. My father although more rigid, was often a softy as well, and often not present to do the parenting.
Do you and your partner disagree about parenting?
Not really, we are most often on the same page when it comes to our children, and when we are uncertain, we discuss things first.
Are your children well behaved?
In comparison to most kids their age, YES. We do not tolerate bad behavior so we are training the children to obey us the first time we ask them to do something. They are still very young and we are constantly striving to ingrain in our children the importance of respect.
What are your hopes and dreams for your children?
I want my kids to always DREAM BIG and never settle. I want them to follow their passion, and manifest their destiny and make it a reality! I hope that Jonathan and Katrina each find what their unique gifts and talents and use them to realize their dreams. Then we would like them to pursue the things that they're uniquely great at, become some of the best in the world at their callings, and be very fulfilled in what they're doing.
What are your feelings about chores?
Everyone in the family is expected to do something to pitch in including the children. Matt and I believe that chores are very important for our kids to because they build character and train the kids with the necessary skills to be successful in their lives.
We have several different methods in place to keep the kids on track with chores. The best example we have is a marble jar. When the jar is filled the children get a choice out of three possibilities, - like going out to pizza or a special theme restaurant or park or earning a new toy– and once the kids have filled the jar and reached that goal we will take them out. They can earn marbles by helping out when called upon and they can earn extra marbles for obeying mommy and daddy the first time we ask them to do something.
Do you have house rules?
We have a lot of house rules and there are swift and immediate consequences if anyone breaks a house rule. There is no inappropriate language and absolutely no talking back. We are training our kids to do everything without arguing or complaining and always with a good attitude.
The biggest house rule is behaving respectfully to us and to each other. We do not tolerate disrespectful behavior in our home. We do not tolerate the children hitting each other or arguing among themselves or us. We expect them to be kind to everyone. They must always use their words to build people up and be encouraging in everything that comes out of their mouths. I am a big believer in positive reinforcement!
TV and Computer time is limited to 30 minutes dailyt. Too much time in front of the Television or Computer is not good for their brains and we would rather our kids using their imaginations. Matt and I don't want to raise little couch potatoes.
Another one of our rules is that everyone is expected to eat dinner together whether they are hungry or not. Matt and I also require the kids to read and rest for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. They also have to make sure and complete their morning and bedtime routines without complaining.
Do you discipline your children? How often and for what?
If our kids act up there are swift and immediate consequences. We punish the kids for lying, outright disobedience, disrespect and simple lack of cooperation. Our kids are expected to listen and obey the first time. I want them to learn at a young age the consequences of their choices.
Removal of privileges and freedoms is the biggest form of punishment in our home. We will separate the kids and cancel play dates. This usually works pretty well because they are both very social kids and do not like to be by themselves. We will also take away computer and TV privileges.
We have timed time outs (1 minute per year of life) to readjust their attitudes. This is usually based on being disrespectful, talking back or not obeying the first time Matt or I say something.
I believe that you need to let your children learn by the natural consequences of their actions. If our children make a decision, we try to let the consequences of that decision affect the outcome and they will learn from that in the process.
In order for the kids to be their very best everyday they need to be constantly trained to BE THEIR BEST! We want our children to achieve their callings in life and fulfill their true destinies. In order to achieve these it is important for Matt and I to firmly guide and direct them and point them towards their own natural talents and gifts.
Household Manual -duties
How do you divide the roles?
As a family we are always striving to put our best foot forward, Matt and I divide the roles in the house.
We are a Team Family so we expect our children to help out in order to keep the house running.Generally as a wife, and mother the household duties are my responsibility, and I give our children chores to instill responsibility in them so that as they grow up, they can take on more and more responsibility. Then when they are adults, they will be able to take on all the responsibilities of raising families of their own and have complete success.
What are your general views on cleaning?
I take pride in keeping the home immaculate. It is very important to Matt and I that the house stays clean, and clutter free. I hate clutter because I can't function with too much clutter surrounding me.
One way that I de-clutter the house is by have several garage sales each year to remove the unnecessary items around our home. I'll walk around the house and decide to sell anything that is creating clutter or that we haven't used in a while. And why not make some money in the process? What ever we can't sell at the Garage Sale we donate.
Do you have a cleaning person or hired help? If so, why? If not, why?
We maintain every piece of the home ourselves, we take pride in our home and strive to keep it in excellent condition. Not to mention, if we can do it ourselves, why not, and save the money in the process as well.
Who does the following, and how often:
Vacuuming & Dusting?
I vacuum just about daily (or every other day at a minimum), and dust every week, on Saturday morning.
Cleaning the bathroom?
Generally I clean the bathroom, daily, and Matt jumps right in to do it, if the other household chores are piling up on me.
Clothes washing & ironing?
The entire family pitches in on laundry. I do the washing, folding sorting, Matt does the ironing and everyone does their own putting away.
Cleaning the kitchen?
Matt takes care of the dishes, unless he is busy with work, then I take over. I do all the cooking, so it seems a fair deal for him to wash the dishes afterward. I clean up after meals and straighten the kitchen. Everyone puts their own dirty dishes in the sink, but Matt usually takes over the DEEP cleaning weekly.
Matt takes the trash out daily. And I do just about anything else that needs to be done in the home.
As a family we are always striving to put our best foot forward, Matt and I divide the roles in the house.
We are a Team Family so we expect our children to help out in order to keep the house running.Generally as a wife, and mother the household duties are my responsibility, and I give our children chores to instill responsibility in them so that as they grow up, they can take on more and more responsibility. Then when they are adults, they will be able to take on all the responsibilities of raising families of their own and have complete success.
What are your general views on cleaning?
I take pride in keeping the home immaculate. It is very important to Matt and I that the house stays clean, and clutter free. I hate clutter because I can't function with too much clutter surrounding me.
One way that I de-clutter the house is by have several garage sales each year to remove the unnecessary items around our home. I'll walk around the house and decide to sell anything that is creating clutter or that we haven't used in a while. And why not make some money in the process? What ever we can't sell at the Garage Sale we donate.
Do you have a cleaning person or hired help? If so, why? If not, why?
We maintain every piece of the home ourselves, we take pride in our home and strive to keep it in excellent condition. Not to mention, if we can do it ourselves, why not, and save the money in the process as well.
Who does the following, and how often:
Vacuuming & Dusting?
I vacuum just about daily (or every other day at a minimum), and dust every week, on Saturday morning.
Cleaning the bathroom?
Generally I clean the bathroom, daily, and Matt jumps right in to do it, if the other household chores are piling up on me.
Clothes washing & ironing?
The entire family pitches in on laundry. I do the washing, folding sorting, Matt does the ironing and everyone does their own putting away.
Cleaning the kitchen?
Matt takes care of the dishes, unless he is busy with work, then I take over. I do all the cooking, so it seems a fair deal for him to wash the dishes afterward. I clean up after meals and straighten the kitchen. Everyone puts their own dirty dishes in the sink, but Matt usually takes over the DEEP cleaning weekly.
Matt takes the trash out daily. And I do just about anything else that needs to be done in the home.
Household Manual -overview
We are a family of hard-workers who DREAM BIG and go for it in everything we do. Our dream is financial success, happiness and a well rounded life. Our 2.5 year old son Jonathan is a little tycoon who can virtually convince anyone of anything! Our 1 month old, I am certain will be just as goal-oriented, in time.
"Be your best self" is a saying that I use to remind the children to be the best person possible everyday. I say it over and over and I want Matt and my kids to say it too so that they are constantly striving to be their best. I wake the kids each day with positive affirmations telling them "You Are Awesome", "You Are A Good Person", "You are Smart" and "You're the best!" Positive reinforcement is the key to success in life.
I have been a stay at home Mom for a short time and do plan to return to work (as an elementary school teacher) but until I do, I will remain at home. I am a schedule oriented person and I continue that throughout the household.
Matt works second shift full time at a worldwide helicopter company to allow me to return to work, should the availability arise. He also works part time as an EMT, which allows me the financial flexibility to be at home.
In order to be our best we have to feel our best, and we can't do that in ratty, torn, stained clothes, eating fatty fried foods or letting ourselves go physically. We have strict appearance rules – we wear clean cut clothes, and neatly groomed hair. We strive to eat our daily allotment of fruits and vegetables daily and limit the kids to one treat a day to ensure that their behavior is not altered due to bad eating habits. Matt and I work out daily (separately) and we also get plenty of exercise playing with the children. I want my family to always put our best foot forward because I believe that communicates a big part of who you are.
We maintain a strict schedule every day and are training the kids to complete their daily routines efficiently so the house runs smoothly. We also have a marble jar for the kids a reward system for contributing and always obeying the first time!
We are the Marcella Family: Matt (29), Jamie (28), Jonathan (2), and Katrina (infant)
"Be your best self" is a saying that I use to remind the children to be the best person possible everyday. I say it over and over and I want Matt and my kids to say it too so that they are constantly striving to be their best. I wake the kids each day with positive affirmations telling them "You Are Awesome", "You Are A Good Person", "You are Smart" and "You're the best!" Positive reinforcement is the key to success in life.
I have been a stay at home Mom for a short time and do plan to return to work (as an elementary school teacher) but until I do, I will remain at home. I am a schedule oriented person and I continue that throughout the household.
Matt works second shift full time at a worldwide helicopter company to allow me to return to work, should the availability arise. He also works part time as an EMT, which allows me the financial flexibility to be at home.
In order to be our best we have to feel our best, and we can't do that in ratty, torn, stained clothes, eating fatty fried foods or letting ourselves go physically. We have strict appearance rules – we wear clean cut clothes, and neatly groomed hair. We strive to eat our daily allotment of fruits and vegetables daily and limit the kids to one treat a day to ensure that their behavior is not altered due to bad eating habits. Matt and I work out daily (separately) and we also get plenty of exercise playing with the children. I want my family to always put our best foot forward because I believe that communicates a big part of who you are.
We maintain a strict schedule every day and are training the kids to complete their daily routines efficiently so the house runs smoothly. We also have a marble jar for the kids a reward system for contributing and always obeying the first time!
We are the Marcella Family: Matt (29), Jamie (28), Jonathan (2), and Katrina (infant)
Another day in the hospital...
Our poor little mouse is STILL in the hospital, but at least we are starting to get answers...

She has a bacterial infection in her breast tissue called Enterococcus, most likely caused by the bacteria entering her body through a small tear in her skin at birth or in the hospital immediately following her birth. Since the cord was around her neck, there is one possibility, or the belly button that looked uncomfortably infected, or the irritated cut caused by her hospital bracelet...
In any event one of the IV antibiotics has been removed, one remains and tomorrow we will see if we can go home, where she would need to be on an oral antibiotic for ten to fourteen days.
She has a bacterial infection in her breast tissue called Enterococcus, most likely caused by the bacteria entering her body through a small tear in her skin at birth or in the hospital immediately following her birth. Since the cord was around her neck, there is one possibility, or the belly button that looked uncomfortably infected, or the irritated cut caused by her hospital bracelet...
In any event one of the IV antibiotics has been removed, one remains and tomorrow we will see if we can go home, where she would need to be on an oral antibiotic for ten to fourteen days.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hospital Visit for Trina
On Friday morning, I took Katrina to a routine one month check-up. We had some minor concerns, but nothing excessive...
She had some swelling of the breast buds, redness that came and went and came back during the exam and tenderness. It seemed during the exam that she was simply miserable.
Half-way through the exam, Dr. Maddox called in for a second opinion. Dr. Choudry came in to look at her and verified she needed to be taken to the hospital. Thankfully NOT the ER, but she was admitted.
Unfortunately, Matt had to hold her little hand and watch her get blood test after blood test, urine test and even a spinal tap.
Right now we are still waiting for answers and she's had five rounds of IV antibiotics, and it sounds like the earliest we can go home is Monday.

She had some swelling of the breast buds, redness that came and went and came back during the exam and tenderness. It seemed during the exam that she was simply miserable.
Half-way through the exam, Dr. Maddox called in for a second opinion. Dr. Choudry came in to look at her and verified she needed to be taken to the hospital. Thankfully NOT the ER, but she was admitted.
Unfortunately, Matt had to hold her little hand and watch her get blood test after blood test, urine test and even a spinal tap.
Right now we are still waiting for answers and she's had five rounds of IV antibiotics, and it sounds like the earliest we can go home is Monday.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Dear Katrina
Hello my little mouse -
I am writing to you as I sit in the hospital with you on the completion of your first month of life, remembering the last time I worried about you was in wonderment of your arrival would ever happen...
When I reached the 36th week in my pregnancy with you, I was overly anxious for you to be born, since that is when your brother graced us with his arrival, (we all were anticipating you coming sooner). I cannot even begin to describe to you the joy and gratefulness that fill my heart this year. Some days I feel like I just might burst with happiness about your impending arrival. To feel you move and roll and kick in my belly is one of the best feelings in the world. Admittedly, I miss it. I will miss knowing you are all mine and knowing you are the only one who has ever heard my heartbeat from the inside. I do think having you in my arms to kiss and snuggle will more than make up for that though. But, I will miss knowing with all confidence you are safe and no one can ever hurt you. I do not fear for you my little mouse, because I know you are a strong, determined, beautiful little girl and God has a plan for you.
We wonder and daydream about how you will grow and change and what you will look like. Will you have that strawberry blond hair that Mommy always dreams of? Will you have baby blues, or green eyes? What will your personality be like? We have so many hopes and dreams for you and we can't wait to see who you are and who you have yet to become.
I can't explain what it felt like after waiting for your birth to look into your sweet little face for the first time and gaze into your eyes and tell you how much I love you. To see you in your Daddy's arms and to see the look on his face when he met his daughter for the first time. To count and kiss your ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. To feel your skin on my skin, to feed you for the first time, to hold you and to love you. I already love you so much I don't know how my heart could get any fuller.
Daddy and I promise to be good parents. We will always be here for you - to love you, to hug you and to kiss you, to listen to you, to keep you safe and warm, to guide you, to lead you, to teach you, to discipline you, to let you make your mistakes and catch you when you fall, to mend skinned little knees and broken hearts too. We will be your biggest fans and our hearts will be filled with pride at your accomplishments - big and small. I can't promise that we will always be your best friends or that will be the "cool" parents, but we will do the best we can to help you grow up to be the best little girl, and woman you can.
Your family is filled with anticipation as well. Jonathan is especially excited to meet his new baby sister. And although I love them to a fault (your Pop-pop and Grandma) I apologize in advance if the nickname Hurricane sticks with you.
I will always treasure the last weeks feeling you in my belly. I tried not to wish them away, but I was so anxious for your birthday.
You are our miracle, our little mouse, our heart and our soul and I promise that you will be blessed...I knew you long before I ever saw your face. And when I first held you in my arms, I fell in love. Some days I think I know you better than I know myself.
I know the way your hair naturally falls. I know the shape of your eyebrows and the chub of your big toes and the way that nail has a curve to it that makes it hard to trim. I know the gentle curve of your little tush. I know the way your eyes sparkle with your smile. I know the little dimples on your elbows. I know the pink shade of your lips. I usually know what you’re saying, even if no one else does.I know the smell of your breath when you wake up. I know what helps you fall asleep. I know the way you fit so snugly in my arms. I know your tears and what they mean.
Your cooing always makes me smile. You have inspired me to keep going when I felt like giving up. You are my sunshine. You amaze me. You teach me. You have taught me more about what unconditional love is. It’s given me a firsthand glimmer of how God must feel toward us. I am a better person because of you, so thank you.
Please, don’t grow up too fast.
I love you, my mouse.
Years from now I will look at you and think of you less as my little baby, and more as the girl you are. Though your favorite things, I am certain (clouded by your big brothers judgment) will be mud and cars, I will see how you ask me more often to put your hair in ponies, to try to grab my purse or find a lipstick, or to stomp around in a pair of my shoes.
One day I'll blink and realize that you aren't a girl anymore, but a young woman, and I hope that I will be able to be as strong as I always promised I would be if I raised a girl. I promise to be the mother who will help you fit into whatever skin is really yours, and not the one I think you should be.
I promise that if you decide you want to be a cheerleader instead of play basketball, I'll buy you a set of pompoms and get you to every practice, although I may say it would break my heart. I promise that if you decide you don't like science I won't remind you of how you swore when you were two that you were going to be an astronaut when you grow up (and that maybe I'll even breathe a little sigh of relief, because I wasn't a science person either.) And I promise that if you get silly over boys, I won't tease you or tell you that you are too young and that all you really need are wonderful books and a good self-esteem (although really, those are much more important), because I swear I will try to remember that I went through all of the same feelings when I was a teenager too.
But I have bigger promises to make, don't I? Here they go...
I promise that I will make this a world where you can walk down the street without being afraid that someone will hurt you.
I promise to give you a world with real sex education that is appropriate for your age, and that discusses real birth control solutions. And I promise to take you to get condoms and other birth control as necessary. And if you decide that you want to hold off on sex until you are married and really mean it, I will buy you a pony (Okay, not really. Although your father might.). Finally, if something should go terribly wrong despite this and you still become pregnant, I promise to help you decide what is right for you and allow it to be your decision, and to support you completely. I will never, ever, ever let you feel trapped and alone.
I promise to help push society so that when you are older, and entering the workforce, you make the same low entry level wage as any boy also taking the same bad entry level job. And that I will help you so that you can get promoted ahead of him because frankly, sweetie, I know you will be smarter than him, anyway.
But most of all, I promise that I will continue to help create a world where you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up, be that an engineer, a doctor, a politician, or an actress. And if, when you get there, you decide what you want to be is a wife and mom, I won't tell you that it's not enough, because now I realize that those are two roles I never realized I could find so much happiness in, and I do. Because of you.
I love you through and through,
I am writing to you as I sit in the hospital with you on the completion of your first month of life, remembering the last time I worried about you was in wonderment of your arrival would ever happen...
When I reached the 36th week in my pregnancy with you, I was overly anxious for you to be born, since that is when your brother graced us with his arrival, (we all were anticipating you coming sooner). I cannot even begin to describe to you the joy and gratefulness that fill my heart this year. Some days I feel like I just might burst with happiness about your impending arrival. To feel you move and roll and kick in my belly is one of the best feelings in the world. Admittedly, I miss it. I will miss knowing you are all mine and knowing you are the only one who has ever heard my heartbeat from the inside. I do think having you in my arms to kiss and snuggle will more than make up for that though. But, I will miss knowing with all confidence you are safe and no one can ever hurt you. I do not fear for you my little mouse, because I know you are a strong, determined, beautiful little girl and God has a plan for you.
We wonder and daydream about how you will grow and change and what you will look like. Will you have that strawberry blond hair that Mommy always dreams of? Will you have baby blues, or green eyes? What will your personality be like? We have so many hopes and dreams for you and we can't wait to see who you are and who you have yet to become.
I can't explain what it felt like after waiting for your birth to look into your sweet little face for the first time and gaze into your eyes and tell you how much I love you. To see you in your Daddy's arms and to see the look on his face when he met his daughter for the first time. To count and kiss your ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. To feel your skin on my skin, to feed you for the first time, to hold you and to love you. I already love you so much I don't know how my heart could get any fuller.
Daddy and I promise to be good parents. We will always be here for you - to love you, to hug you and to kiss you, to listen to you, to keep you safe and warm, to guide you, to lead you, to teach you, to discipline you, to let you make your mistakes and catch you when you fall, to mend skinned little knees and broken hearts too. We will be your biggest fans and our hearts will be filled with pride at your accomplishments - big and small. I can't promise that we will always be your best friends or that will be the "cool" parents, but we will do the best we can to help you grow up to be the best little girl, and woman you can.
Your family is filled with anticipation as well. Jonathan is especially excited to meet his new baby sister. And although I love them to a fault (your Pop-pop and Grandma) I apologize in advance if the nickname Hurricane sticks with you.
I will always treasure the last weeks feeling you in my belly. I tried not to wish them away, but I was so anxious for your birthday.
You are our miracle, our little mouse, our heart and our soul and I promise that you will be blessed...I knew you long before I ever saw your face. And when I first held you in my arms, I fell in love. Some days I think I know you better than I know myself.
I know the way your hair naturally falls. I know the shape of your eyebrows and the chub of your big toes and the way that nail has a curve to it that makes it hard to trim. I know the gentle curve of your little tush. I know the way your eyes sparkle with your smile. I know the little dimples on your elbows. I know the pink shade of your lips. I usually know what you’re saying, even if no one else does.I know the smell of your breath when you wake up. I know what helps you fall asleep. I know the way you fit so snugly in my arms. I know your tears and what they mean.
Your cooing always makes me smile. You have inspired me to keep going when I felt like giving up. You are my sunshine. You amaze me. You teach me. You have taught me more about what unconditional love is. It’s given me a firsthand glimmer of how God must feel toward us. I am a better person because of you, so thank you.
Please, don’t grow up too fast.
I love you, my mouse.
Years from now I will look at you and think of you less as my little baby, and more as the girl you are. Though your favorite things, I am certain (clouded by your big brothers judgment) will be mud and cars, I will see how you ask me more often to put your hair in ponies, to try to grab my purse or find a lipstick, or to stomp around in a pair of my shoes.
One day I'll blink and realize that you aren't a girl anymore, but a young woman, and I hope that I will be able to be as strong as I always promised I would be if I raised a girl. I promise to be the mother who will help you fit into whatever skin is really yours, and not the one I think you should be.
I promise that if you decide you want to be a cheerleader instead of play basketball, I'll buy you a set of pompoms and get you to every practice, although I may say it would break my heart. I promise that if you decide you don't like science I won't remind you of how you swore when you were two that you were going to be an astronaut when you grow up (and that maybe I'll even breathe a little sigh of relief, because I wasn't a science person either.) And I promise that if you get silly over boys, I won't tease you or tell you that you are too young and that all you really need are wonderful books and a good self-esteem (although really, those are much more important), because I swear I will try to remember that I went through all of the same feelings when I was a teenager too.
But I have bigger promises to make, don't I? Here they go...
I promise that I will make this a world where you can walk down the street without being afraid that someone will hurt you.
I promise to give you a world with real sex education that is appropriate for your age, and that discusses real birth control solutions. And I promise to take you to get condoms and other birth control as necessary. And if you decide that you want to hold off on sex until you are married and really mean it, I will buy you a pony (Okay, not really. Although your father might.). Finally, if something should go terribly wrong despite this and you still become pregnant, I promise to help you decide what is right for you and allow it to be your decision, and to support you completely. I will never, ever, ever let you feel trapped and alone.
I promise to help push society so that when you are older, and entering the workforce, you make the same low entry level wage as any boy also taking the same bad entry level job. And that I will help you so that you can get promoted ahead of him because frankly, sweetie, I know you will be smarter than him, anyway.
But most of all, I promise that I will continue to help create a world where you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up, be that an engineer, a doctor, a politician, or an actress. And if, when you get there, you decide what you want to be is a wife and mom, I won't tell you that it's not enough, because now I realize that those are two roles I never realized I could find so much happiness in, and I do. Because of you.
I love you through and through,
Dear Jonathan
My sweet little cuddle bug - I am sending these words out into the Internet universe, as I sit here in your sisters hospital room, wondering why children find it neccesary to scare their parents so much?! I remember like it was yesterday the struggle you but us through to keep you home although the doctors urged us to place you in the ER for jaundice.
As I am writing this I am realizing how much you have grown since then and to help you realize just how much your Daddy and I have always wanted you.
From the day I met your father, I knew my world had changed forever. I had found that one true love that quiets all fears, comforts all sorrows, expands all joy and brings a light to my life, I found in him a best friend, partner and much more. As he and I grew further and deeper in love, it became obvious that we needed to share our love with another, and so together we created you!
I still dream of the day I felt your tiny little life force inside of me, ready or not, counting the kicks of your perfect little feet. At that time, with your tiny little body growing inside my belly, I longed to hold you in my arms, to rock you to sleep, to feel your soft skin, smell your baby smell, gaze into your face and marvel at you...the perfect blend of your parents who love each other so much, and you...the perfect and ultimate expression of that love.
We have been blessed since that magical day that your soul entered the world and given the honor of nurturing you, giving you life, given the awesome responsibility and gift of protecting you, loving you and watching you grow.
It seems like yesterday you were a little baby learning to walk and talk. And here you are, a handsome, smart, wonderful toddler, each day growing closer and closer to becoming a young man ready to take on the world.
I want you to grow to be someone who can be as proud of himself as I am of you. “Be strong." "Act tough." "Be a Man." Boys see and hear countless messages telling you how to "be a man.” I understand it’s confusing. The difference between assertiveness (standing up for yourself) and aggression is an important distinction, which your father and I have attempted to instill in you since your birth.
I hope we as parents have set a good example for you in how your father and I treat each other – with mutual respect and admiration.
Right now you are home with me each day because you are so dang smart no preschool could teach you a darn thing but all you know and appreciate is that you can do math in your underwear, call going to the zoo a field trip, and use Legos for a history project. You enjoy the perks of learning at home: a leisurely morning reading till we start schoolwork at 9:30, an empty library or grocery store during off hours (and even, on vacation, a less-populated Disney World!), snacks on the couch while we read aloud all afternoon, and a picnic in the backyard on a sunny school day. From your perspective, homeschooling is just plain fun. On most days I completely agree.
But there is so much more I hope you remember of our time together. When the wisdom and maturity that come with age cause you to look back on your time here, learning at home, nurtured and protected, I hope you see that the privilege brings more subtle, and more important, blessings.
I hope you remember that despite the love I have for you both, I still felt a tug of war to be away from you even for more than a moment, when I knew it was necessary.
I hope you remember the times you struggled with something and we were able to work on it again and again and again and again. I hope you remember when you finally got it, and the sense of accomplishment you felt. I felt it too.
I hope you remember that I said I’m sorry. Often. Because I’m not perfect. And I hope you remember that you were so generous with hugs and kisses and forgiveness after I failed.
I hope you remember when your sister distracted you by doing something goofy, and made your work take longer than it should have. I hope, from the perspective of an adult with strong family bonds and siblings who are your best friends, you laugh at those times, realizing that they were the building blocks to the relationships you now share.
I hope you remember that every time someone clucked their tongue in the grocery store and said to me, “Well, you sure have your hands full!”, I smiled and responded, “Yes, and I love it that way.” Because I do.
I hope you remember the thousands of breakfasts, lunches and dinners when we prayed together (yes even the silly prayers for the light or the door or whatever entered that brilliant little brain of yours), ate together, and talked about our favorite part of the day.
I hope you remember the excitement we felt over little things: catching bubbles in the yard, brand new play-dog, a difficult puzzle finished together, and the last chapter of a beloved book.
I hope you remember that when you had questions, about anything from why the bird’s egg you found outside didn’t hatch to how you forgive someone who keeps hurting you, we figured out the answers together.
I hope you remember that Daddy and I chose this life. For you, for us. That we listened when God whispered that time is too precious, and that learning is a joy, and that we should spend all of it side by side.
I hope you remember these things. I hope I remember these things. Because, though it seems to you that time drags on and Christmas and birthdays take forever to come, I can’t seem to hold on to these moments tightly enough. I don’t even always appreciate them enough. But this life we live together is a treasure, a gift. One that is a foundation for everything you do and everything you become.
I wouldn’t trade a moment. And most of all, I hope you remember that.
I love you through and through!
Love, Mom-mom
As I am writing this I am realizing how much you have grown since then and to help you realize just how much your Daddy and I have always wanted you.
From the day I met your father, I knew my world had changed forever. I had found that one true love that quiets all fears, comforts all sorrows, expands all joy and brings a light to my life, I found in him a best friend, partner and much more. As he and I grew further and deeper in love, it became obvious that we needed to share our love with another, and so together we created you!
I still dream of the day I felt your tiny little life force inside of me, ready or not, counting the kicks of your perfect little feet. At that time, with your tiny little body growing inside my belly, I longed to hold you in my arms, to rock you to sleep, to feel your soft skin, smell your baby smell, gaze into your face and marvel at you...the perfect blend of your parents who love each other so much, and you...the perfect and ultimate expression of that love.
We have been blessed since that magical day that your soul entered the world and given the honor of nurturing you, giving you life, given the awesome responsibility and gift of protecting you, loving you and watching you grow.
It seems like yesterday you were a little baby learning to walk and talk. And here you are, a handsome, smart, wonderful toddler, each day growing closer and closer to becoming a young man ready to take on the world.
I want you to grow to be someone who can be as proud of himself as I am of you. “Be strong." "Act tough." "Be a Man." Boys see and hear countless messages telling you how to "be a man.” I understand it’s confusing. The difference between assertiveness (standing up for yourself) and aggression is an important distinction, which your father and I have attempted to instill in you since your birth.
I hope we as parents have set a good example for you in how your father and I treat each other – with mutual respect and admiration.
Right now you are home with me each day because you are so dang smart no preschool could teach you a darn thing but all you know and appreciate is that you can do math in your underwear, call going to the zoo a field trip, and use Legos for a history project. You enjoy the perks of learning at home: a leisurely morning reading till we start schoolwork at 9:30, an empty library or grocery store during off hours (and even, on vacation, a less-populated Disney World!), snacks on the couch while we read aloud all afternoon, and a picnic in the backyard on a sunny school day. From your perspective, homeschooling is just plain fun. On most days I completely agree.
But there is so much more I hope you remember of our time together. When the wisdom and maturity that come with age cause you to look back on your time here, learning at home, nurtured and protected, I hope you see that the privilege brings more subtle, and more important, blessings.
I hope you remember that despite the love I have for you both, I still felt a tug of war to be away from you even for more than a moment, when I knew it was necessary.
I hope you remember the times you struggled with something and we were able to work on it again and again and again and again. I hope you remember when you finally got it, and the sense of accomplishment you felt. I felt it too.
I hope you remember that I said I’m sorry. Often. Because I’m not perfect. And I hope you remember that you were so generous with hugs and kisses and forgiveness after I failed.
I hope you remember when your sister distracted you by doing something goofy, and made your work take longer than it should have. I hope, from the perspective of an adult with strong family bonds and siblings who are your best friends, you laugh at those times, realizing that they were the building blocks to the relationships you now share.
I hope you remember that every time someone clucked their tongue in the grocery store and said to me, “Well, you sure have your hands full!”, I smiled and responded, “Yes, and I love it that way.” Because I do.
I hope you remember the thousands of breakfasts, lunches and dinners when we prayed together (yes even the silly prayers for the light or the door or whatever entered that brilliant little brain of yours), ate together, and talked about our favorite part of the day.
I hope you remember the excitement we felt over little things: catching bubbles in the yard, brand new play-dog, a difficult puzzle finished together, and the last chapter of a beloved book.
I hope you remember that when you had questions, about anything from why the bird’s egg you found outside didn’t hatch to how you forgive someone who keeps hurting you, we figured out the answers together.
I hope you remember that Daddy and I chose this life. For you, for us. That we listened when God whispered that time is too precious, and that learning is a joy, and that we should spend all of it side by side.
I hope you remember these things. I hope I remember these things. Because, though it seems to you that time drags on and Christmas and birthdays take forever to come, I can’t seem to hold on to these moments tightly enough. I don’t even always appreciate them enough. But this life we live together is a treasure, a gift. One that is a foundation for everything you do and everything you become.
I wouldn’t trade a moment. And most of all, I hope you remember that.
I love you through and through!
Love, Mom-mom
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
How cute is she?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Who's ottoman is it anyway?
We have been having a difficult time getting Jonathan eat at lunch time, each day we have tried something a little different, from bribery to gating the kitchen to denying him snacks...
And then we asked him, "where" he wanted to eat....

And now that he can climb with his lunch inside the ottoman, he is back to eating like his normal self...
And then we asked him, "where" he wanted to eat....
And now that he can climb with his lunch inside the ottoman, he is back to eating like his normal self...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
First Smile
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
All arms and legs...
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