Sunday, June 20, 2010

Household Manual -duties

How do you divide the roles?
As a family we are always striving to put our best foot forward, Matt and I divide the roles in the house.

We are a Team Family so we expect our children to help out in order to keep the house running.Generally as a wife, and mother the household duties are my responsibility, and I give our children chores to instill responsibility in them so that as they grow up, they can take on more and more responsibility. Then when they are adults, they will be able to take on all the responsibilities of raising families of their own and have complete success.

What are your general views on cleaning?

I take pride in keeping the home immaculate. It is very important to Matt and I that the house stays clean, and clutter free. I hate clutter because I can't function with too much clutter surrounding me.

One way that I de-clutter the house is by have several garage sales each year to remove the unnecessary items around our home. I'll walk around the house and decide to sell anything that is creating clutter or that we haven't used in a while. And why not make some money in the process? What ever we can't sell at the Garage Sale we donate.

Do you have a cleaning person or hired help? If so, why? If not, why?
We maintain every piece of the home ourselves, we take pride in our home and strive to keep it in excellent condition. Not to mention, if we can do it ourselves, why not, and save the money in the process as well.

Who does the following, and how often:

Vacuuming & Dusting?

I vacuum just about daily (or every other day at a minimum), and dust every week, on Saturday morning.

Cleaning the bathroom?
Generally I clean the bathroom, daily, and Matt jumps right in to do it, if the other household chores are piling up on me.

Clothes washing & ironing?
The entire family pitches in on laundry. I do the washing, folding sorting, Matt does the ironing and everyone does their own putting away.

Cleaning the kitchen?
Matt takes care of the dishes, unless he is busy with work, then I take over. I do all the cooking, so it seems a fair deal for him to wash the dishes afterward. I clean up after meals and straighten the kitchen. Everyone puts their own dirty dishes in the sink, but Matt usually takes over the DEEP cleaning weekly.


Matt takes the trash out daily. And I do just about anything else that needs to be done in the home.

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