Monday, June 21, 2010

Household Manual -education

How do you feel about education?

As an educator, education is a central focus of our lives! Matt and I believe that education is a very important part of achieving. We are planning on explaining to the kids at a very early age that once you get your degree, you get your Masters, and then you can get married and… start your life.

We have already started a college fund for each of the kids. I have also already started researching grants and scholarships for both of my children. It is that important to us!

Matt and I both have multiple college degrees and believe that you will achieve whatever you put your mind too!

We also believe for ourselves, as well as our children, that education goes beyond specific college degrees. We, as a family, are constantly educating ourselves through any form of education possible; such as forums, seminars, conferences, parenting books, business networking associations and groups, etc.

Did you or your partner go to college?

Both Mark and I have our Bachelor's and Master's degrees. I have my degree in Sociology, Law and Elementary Education and Child Development and Matt has his in American Studies, National Security, Human Services and Business.

Do you home school your children?

I am a big advocate and supporter of home schooling however it is our plan to continue throughout our children s educational careers. We happen to thankfully live in a very good public education area, however we are seeking MORE for our children than what the school system can offer.

Are there any rules about homework?

The children will be required to finish their homework immediately after school. When they get home from school they have a quick snack, and then I sit with them at the dining room table and help them complete their homework. After they have completed their homework they are then allowed some fun time before dinner.

Is it important that your children go to college?

We expect our kids to go to college, all the way through to getting their Master's degrees. It is of the utmost importance these days and also boosts their confidence and looks great on a resume. We are advising our kids to major in something that is practical.

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