Saturday, April 21, 2012

I USED to care....

I USED to care…
1) what people thought when we ran out to the park or the store with an ice cream or chocolate milk mustache --- but then I remembered the fun we had eating the ice cream and giggling over blowing chocolate milk bubbles all over for so long that we lost track of time.
2) When bubbles from the bath tub tumbled down onto the floor --- but then I looked at the smile on my son’s face, and the pride he felt in ‘sharing’ those bubbles with me.
3) when my son had to fall sleep in our bed because his baby sister was “too loud” for him to sleep --- but then I realized this days were occurring fewer and fewer as each year passes.
4) that one or both of my children had on matching socks before we left the house --- then I remembered they dressed themselves, and the time and energy and concentration it took them to pull those tiny socks on those little feet with those itty bitty hands, and I STILL beam!
5) if there was food left on of my little one’s plate when he/she got down from the table --- then I remembered we are lucky to sit together and chat at meal-time, and if one of them were hungry later, we are doubly lucky that the food will still be there.
6) if the children ate peanut butter and jelly for three days in a row --- then I realized, they had full bellies and I a full heart, plus plenty of time to add extra vegetables for dinner.
7) when we left the house with clothes that were not pressed --- the wrinkles would be added to our clothes in a matter of minutes, and in the time I could have been ironing, I instead got an extra hug or read a longer story, ran one more race, played another round and shared another moment.
8) when the kitchen sick was filled with dishes --- then I looked at the photographs of us baking brownies together and licking the beaters, and eating our snack before our lunch and told myself the dishes COULD wait until tomorrow.
9) that the rug needed to be vacuumed several times a day --- then I remembered making those handmade granola bars we all liked and I cared a little less of all the crumbs that hit the floor as we ate, after all the little ones liked to vacuum.
10) when no one would give me the time I needed to get through a workout undisturbed --- then I realized I couldn’t get through an uninterrupted workout, and half the fun of working out, was watching your little feet run in place, or your arms struggle to reach your toes.
11) when my hair got wet in the rain --- until the little one’s got so excited to see the rainfall and had to search for a rainbow.
12) when the baby woke me waaaayy to early on a Saturday morning ---then I saw the smile you had JUST to see me walk into your room.
13) that my little man got out of bed three or four times a night to use the potty --- then I realized it had less to do with the bathroom and more to do with you missing me already and I looked at the very small pile of laundry unaffected by the overnight and smiled doubly.
14) that our house was smaller than someone else’s --- then my eyes were opened to the time we had together, and the moments we will share in the future, and my ears opened to the lack of satisfaction of those around me…we all seek something bigger and better, until we realize it already is BIG and couldn’t be BIGGER.
15) when it took us twenty minutes to leave the house --- then I really sat and watched you determined yet struggling to put on your shoes and coat without assistance and took great joy in your independence, will power and strength.
16) when my to do list was not completed at the days end --- until I realized my to-do’s were less important as my “already done’s” even if my already done’s were merely sharing, playing and making memories… these things cannot be procrastinated, the dishes can wait, the laundry can pile, the crumbs will be there in the morning, but babies don’t keep.

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