Sunday, April 1, 2012

TWO weeks to a happyIER home....

  • Clear expectations

  • Not JUST for your kids, but also your partner AND yourself. If you physically, even mentally prepare a list of what you expect AND share it, you are LESS likely to be disappointed. ALL people WANT to please.... You just need to tell them how!
    Tell them what the day ahead will hold.
    Tell them how they can help you achieve your goals.
    Consistently remind the little ones of whats next, (9 days till vacation, 8 days until vacation, 7 days until vacation...etc)

  • Have words to live by

  • You cannot have everything, JUST because you want it.
    Keep your sister close.
    You are not the only person in the world.
    Be kind and respectful to everyone, even if you do not think they deserve it.
    Do not cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
    Try new things, and do not be afraid to fail.
    Together we will take ONE day at a time, and that day with patience.

  • Encourage Friendships

  • Everyone needs someone to lean on, to have fun with and to explore the world with. As much as I would like to be the one my children and husband lean on, have fun with and explore the world with, I know this cannot be me ALL the time.

  • Embrace music

  • Sing with your children until your voice is lost, then hum the words until your face is numb, and then, just when you think all the music has left your body - take out a pan and a spoon and play...
    Children learn through music. Children thrive with music. Music makes EVERYONE happy.

  • Allow for freedom

  • Give your children space to care for themselves and each other in a way that they are able. It's the old tale "Teach a man to fish", small successes today will lead to larger ones down he road.

  • Look out for others

  • We are never too young or too old to give. Give our hearts, our time or our material things. I struggle with this one. I want to strive to give more of myself, my time and my thongs to those who clearly need it.

  • Be a model of happiness

  • Happiness is contagious AND it MUST be learned... The quickest way to get rid of a grumpy child is through happiness and laughter.

  • Be a model of Love

  • Love is freely given, BUT even children need to learn how to express it. They will learn by example. Show them love, show them happiness and show them what a positive, healthy relationship looks like (be it a marriage or a friendship).

  • Be grateful

  • Make a habit of naming a few things you are grateful for everyday, ask your children too..We have A LOT more than many, and our children should be aware of this.


  • Do not be afraid to turn off the television, the computer, heck THE PHONE.
    Eat your vegetables, AND your fruits, and your meats and grains too.
    Exercise together, alone... anyway anytime... Strive to be a model of health. This will help you live better, feel better and be better --- and you will set expectations for your child in the future.

  • Enjoy silence

  • In a world FULL of chaos and noise and constant STUFF. Take a moment or two just to sit with your children, embrace them, or lie and stare up at the heavens. When you kiss your husband good night, hold on one extra second.

  • Celebrate

  • ANYTHING and everything! The first tooth, the potty use, a GREAT run, warm cinnabuns... Show your child, there is beauty in everything.

  • Display organization

  • Model the value of being organized. Showing children what the schedule for the day, week, month -- teaches the value of time and that in order to DO things, we need to have organization in our lives.
    Have a place for everything, and show that in order to have things, use things and find things we need to be organized and know where they are.

  • FOCUS on your marriage

  • ALL relationships are hard and require work, show your children AND your spouse that your marriage is worth working for. Modeling positive relationships will teach your child how to have a positive relationship, create for happy children AND a healthy life... Pretty much WIN, WIN & WIN!

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