Monday, June 30, 2008


John and Candice got married today!
It was the FIRST time we (Matt and I) went out for a long time (a series of hours) without him.
I like having him with me. Matt does too.
He actually went to bed easily though. Kimmy and Jennifer watched him, so I am sure that helped. Although, he really gave my mom a hard time on Thursday when she watched him and we went to the rehearsal dinner.
I would rather have him with us, but I know it is good for him (and us) to go out and be away from him for awhile.
Matt and I do also enjoy the time together!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bathtime & Storytime

Matt and I have discovered that our now mobile son has two favorite times of the day to squirm and go crazy!
Bath time & story time!

During bath-time, he splashes and splashes. No matter how much or how little water I put in his tub, it doesn't seem to matter! It is everywhere! It is cute now, but next year, I would like to stay dry!
During his bed-time story he now decided he wants to roll all over the bed and babble to the sound of Matt's voice (or mine, if I happen to be reading that night). I think it is cute also, but it is sometimes hard to read over him. I certainly don't want to shooosh him. It is definately better that he is babbling then the nights where he is poking us in the eyes and pulling our hair or spitting on us. Then again, those are the times I say "no"....

Monday, June 23, 2008


Jonathan went in the pool for the second time today and he loves the water!
My dad bought him this great car-boat float thing and he loves it!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Summer is here!
I have a whole (nearly 3 months) to spend with my little man! We are going to do so many things!
I am going to try to take him to the movies and see if he can sit through a movie. We are going to attend some play dates, so that he interacts with some other babies. We are going to go strawberry picking and swimming and play in the grass!
We will go to the park and go jogging and shopping at the mall!
I hope I can teach him some new words and some sign language and make him learn to crawl!
I hope these other teeth come in now also!
Jonathan already has two teeth, but I would like him to have at least four, so that I can give him stuff to chew, like toast and chicken and, stuff....

Matt is almost done with his Masters in National Security and he started his MBA. I am so proud of him! He is doing such a good job in school and working really hard at two jobs!

My new bat is here and my softball league started last week. I am so excited to get out and get some exercise! AND boy oh, boy do I sure need it! The first practice was really rough, but I am sure I will get back into the swing of things. I pitched with my dad today, but I can't find my glove...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More generations

All this talk about four generations and we had to go up to visit Grandpa Murphy!
He is seeming to do well, and always does better after seeing Jonathan!
With our camera in tote, off we went!

Jonathan was ready for his picture to be taken as soon as we got there.
I was ready for the ice cream!
And Matt was ready to get a break from his school-work!

Happy Father's DAY!