Saturday, October 31, 2009


Guess who is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!!!

Jack o' Lanterns

Matt says I always put too much effort into it, but I love every minute of it.... Very few times can adults act like little kids and not be laughed at, I surely take advantage of that every chance I can get!

Matt made the pirate skull...(below)... And I the wolves howling at the moon...(above)


Here is the little monkey boy,....
He didn't really get what was going on untuil we were done. He kept wanting to go in everyone's house and "visit" once we knocked... maybe next year...

Halloween Party

I managed to drag both Matt and Jonathan to the annual halloween party with the promise of having some great fun and food.... I think at least Jonathan left happy!

One thing is CERTAIN... when all was said and done, the
ittle man NEEDED a nap!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My little helper!

Jonathan now wants to watch everything I do in the kitchen, ESPECIALLY when he hears the mixer!

He pulls up his little chair-stool right up to the counter to watch or spin a bowl or pour in some ingrediants for me...

So cute, so helpful and always so hungry!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Little silly boy!

Jonathan is a trip! In a word, unpredictable!
He so enjoys just being his silly little self, and everything he does just brings a smile to my face!
How lucky I am to have such a brilliant, handsome, funny little man!

Friday, October 2, 2009