Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Jonathan had his first taste of macaroni!
I made some elbows for dinner, and since I didn't boil the water in salt or anything, I knew it would be safe for he is already 7 MONTHS OLD!
I quartered the tiny elbows and gave him some. He wouldn't feed them to himself though, they kept getting stuck on his fingers.
Once he made it so close to his face it got stuck on his chin!!
At the very least the attempt, kept him busy while we ate our dinner (and gave us some entertainment WAAAAYYY better than TV).

Sunday, July 13, 2008

New tricks

Jonathan is growing bigger daily! And he learned new tricks.. some better than others. He can hold his breath, by sucking in air (not a good trick), he especially likes to do this while eating, which often causes him to nearly choke. He can spit now, with his tongue out. He is rather good at the spitting. He also does this while eating. I have been dealt a bad hand. :( I hope he grows out of this. On a positive note, he does acknowledge when I tell him "no", he laughs. But he does acknowledge it! Jonathan's good trick is he has consistently put his arms up when he wants to be held. It doesn't sound like much but it is a neat thing to see, and it makes you feel good too!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Family pictures

We went to the studio today (Matt, Jonathan and I) and took some cute pictures of the three of us. It was so fun and I can't wait to see the pictures when they are all done!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First Vacation

Okay so we made it to the Cape!
Jonathan was good the whole way, but it really messed up his schedule! Kali was a mess! We actually had to turn around and go back home to get her thunder cage!
We were there for just about five days. To me it was only a vacation in that I didn't have to cook, other than that, it was the same as home, but with no car.
I took Jonathan for some nice jogs, and Kali too, and we looked at the beach and put our feet in as all, but there was no swimming or kayaking or biking for me (or Jonathan) this trip!
We met Kevin and Kathleen's baby also, he sure is a cutie! And next year for the Fourth, Grady and Jonathan can run a muck (under my close supervision - of course)...
Jonathan seemed to like the ocean, the cool air and the swimming pool in the backyard. He also tried real chicken for the first time! I think he was uncomfortable taking naps and sleeping in his pack and play though, it's not very soft or conducive for overnights.
We all (Matt, his parents, Jonathan and I), missed Sundae School and The Doghouse, but we did hit up The Wooden Shoe. Jonathan was cranky and up way passed his bedtime, but he is getting too old to be expected to sleep in his infant carrier I guess. Next time we will have to go a little earlier and include Jonathan in the meal! Next year he can eat it!
All in all, it was a nice break from reality! And I am happy to be home! Matt has the rest of the week off (ten days in total), so we can have family time! HOORAY!