Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Night of 2009

We attempted to spend a nice little New Year's Eve as a family....

I made the usual array of snack-like pick-on foods, but this year I made home-made pizza as well!

Matt and I loved it, Jonathan, well... he wanted left-over sweet potatoes...UGH.

We wanted to watch a movie together, since we had gotten Jonathan a bunch for Christmas, but he wanted no part in watchinf anything other than "Cars" or "Jack's Big Music Show", so that was out... We instead put on the rest of the Disney Parade (which really did feel like a long commercial - as Matt had pointed out). In any event, I think it served it's purpose, since Jonathan was asking to go to Disney...No arguements here!

Jonathan was a bit nudgy today, so lets home he left the last of that in 2009!
Once his teeth were brushed and he listened to a story, we put him to bed and settled downstairs for about an hour of conversation and television until Matt had to leave and go to work for the night... DOUBLE UGH!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Playing with NEW toys

Jonathan is still plying with everything he had gotten for Christmas, one or two items at a time, and Matt noticed he has made up his own little rules for playing...
How cute!

(You have to say "vroom", cars have to practice on the rug, only one car down the ramp at a time)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Our little Christmas

Matt of course spoiled us rotten, but I guess I knew he would... he always does!
Jonathan was surely a trooper, after a LONG (honestly exhausting) fourteen hours of unwrapping (I am REALLY not exaggerating). We almost finshed. We left one special gift for last, the biggest of all, and I don't think Jonathan had a clue about it.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Second Birthday!

We started the morning off right, Jonathan's favorite breakfast PANCAKES!

Once, we had full bellies we got down to buisness....PRESENTS!!!

First Jonathan opened his little supply gifts (art paper, crayons, play-doh), and on to the big gift AN ACTIVITY ART CENTER!!!

He was so super excited to see it and he sat right down and wanted to play right away!

Lastly he opened a BUZZ LIGHTYEAR! He loved it! He even napped with it!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Present for Daddy

Jonathan making a bell ornament for Matt for a Christmas present. It may appear that I am doing all the work, but that is only after Jonathan gave me specific directions on where to put each sticker AND THEN someone brought out animal crackers... Whenever food is introduced, it's all over!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jonathan's SECOND birthday!

This time there was no snow to prevent people from coming! We tried to keep it as far away from the holiday as possible, I think that helped...
Jonathan picked the theme "Hawaiian Beach Party", the cakes (Cookies and cream & fruity pound cake)and even learned to say thank-you in Hawaiian "Mahalo"...

We had a nice turn-out of adults, plenty of people for Jonathan to entertain, but not too many little people for Jonathan to play with...Next year...