Friday, March 26, 2010

scary appointment

I had a doctor appointment today, much like every Friday.... UGH!
I sat in the waiting room for 10 minutes PAST my appointment time, and when I was finally in, the doctor told me she was concerned that the baby would come WAAAAY too early.
SOOOO, they ran several tests on me, whispered and sent me back to the waiting room.
I called Matt, told him they did all kinds of tests and I was nervous, but before I could finish the call, the doctor brought me back in to do what is referred to as an Emergency Ultra-sound.
I was getting more and more scared with the questions that were asked of me.
Eventually I was told that I am already dilated 2 cm, AND having contractions, BUT my cervix was not thinning.... so after all that I was told not to worry, and sent home with warning to "take it easy"....

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