Monday, August 9, 2010


Jonathan came home yesterday after spending the afternoon with Granma & Granpa 'Cella in Watertown, with a slight fever. A fever that had disappeared from the night before. He hadn't taken a nap (very common for a weekend), and didn't eat much, (not surprising since he hadn't eaten all week, with the exception of yesterday's TWO picnics), but other than that had no other symptoms.
Matt attempted to fight him for a temperature, and managed to get a reading of "101*" between all his screams of torture.
Once things calmed down, I gave him a Popsicle and got another temperature reading of "100*"
Matt and I got Jonathan to bed by 8, but he was fighting sleep... When all was said and done I banked about an hour and 10 minutes...and Matt ended up on the couch.

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