Friday, October 8, 2010

Chicken Pox?

What an eventful week!?!?! Poor Jonathan has had a rough go-around.

Saturday morning-Monday morning : Thanks to the incompetence (maybe that's too harsh...)of the Urgent Care Staff associated with Danbury Hospital we were under the impression that our little friends had been infected with Chicken Pox. This would mean that BOTH Jonathan and Katrina were exposed. I spoke to a few nurses and searched via GOOGLE, only to discover the disease could live inside the body undetected for up to twenty-one days! UGH! That would mean three weeks of canceled classes and activities, for fear that they might be spreading the disease to others. In a word : quarantine.
NOT something I was looking forward too!

Monday: I spoke with the Dr. Office who agreed that IF Jack received the Chicken Pox Vaccine, he would be LESS likely to contract the disease and MUCH LESS likely to pass it along to little Trina... So, he and I ran out of the house and straight to the Dr. Office for the vaccine, in the meantime the Dr. called and said they could do one BETTER, and the nurse informed me of a shot Globulin could TOTALLY prevent him from contracting it BUT, they needed to locate it somewhere in the state first. We went in anyway and while we were there, I figured we might as well get the FLU vaccine.
In the afternoon, after Jack has been vaccinated from the chicken pox, we find out that the Danbury Hospital people misdiagnosed BOTH Addy & Johnny. They both ended up catching Strep with a Rash, Scarlet Fever of sorts. Unfortunately, this means they are suffering all alone, and PROBABLY would be unable to have "shared" the illness with Jack and Trina...

Tuesday: UGH! Jack developed a fever and runny nose as a DIRECT result of his FLU nasal spray vaccination...UGH! THIS is why I do NOT like vaccinations!

Wednesday: Jack's fever is ALL gone, BUT he has begun a cough, which could or could not be related to the FLU shot, his allergies and/or changing of temperature. He seemed a tad mushy, so I pushed fluids, vitamin C and home-made soup.

Thursday: Discovered that Johnny and Addy would not be returning until TUESDAY, since they have Croup. I am a little at ease, since Jack has developed Laryngitis now and will have plenty of time to recover.

Friday/Today: After a VERY rough night's sleep, or lack thereof, I take Jack into the Dr. We went into see the APRN, but Jack's & Trina's FANTASTIC Dr. heard our voices and came in to see us anyway! LOVE HIM! Dr. Maddox ALWAYS has shown GENUINE concern for our children! After THOROUGHLY checking Jack, they sort of don't know what's wrong with him. Strep test was negative, oxygen level was 99, lungs were clear, ears and nose were free of ALL signs of infection! They ONLY signs of any illness is his raspy voice, barking cough and very, slightly red, right side of the inside of his mouth. I don't know what's wrong with Jack, BUT I am assuming he got a milder version of what the kids have. To much relief, we are told he is NOT contagious and will recover fine and wont miss any classes.

WAHOO! Here's to a very BORING, RESTFUL, Weekend......

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