Sunday, January 2, 2011

Science and Social Sciences Vocabulary for Little Ones

1 – Piglet – a baby pig; slop – pig food; trowel – a pig’s plate

2 - Calf - a baby cow; cub – baby bear; bird – chick; deer- fawn; duckling – baby duck rhyme – words with the same ending sound

3 - Vines - vines are plants with long, thin bendable stems; jungle – forest with lots of rain; leprechaun – fictitious character;

4 - Claws - claws are the sharp, curved nails on a kitten's paws.

5 - Iris - the iris is the colored part of your eye surrounding the pupil; pupil – dark part of the eye; occupation – work someone does for money

6 - Beacon - a beacon is a signal, a light to guide and warn; Lighthouse – street sign for a boat, warns of shore

7 - Prism - a prism can be made out of glass or other clear material in a solid, when light passes it separates into the different colors of the spectrum/rainbow.

8 - Twinkle - to twinkle is to flash, sparkle or gleam.

9 - Ray - a beam of light.

10 - Dough - the dough is the (cookie) mixture before it has been cooked.

11 - Engine - an engine of a train is the train car that usually pulls all the other cars along the track.

12 - full (moon) - the moon is full when it is round like a circle and all lit up. When something is full it is completely there.

13 – Pond – small body of water

14 - Gasoline - gasoline is a liquid substance that is used to fuel cars and trucks

15 - Mane - the long hair growing on the neck of a horse.

16 - Downpour - during a downpour the rain is falling very fast and heavy.

17 - Antennae - the feelers on the head of the butterfly.

18 - Wool - the curly, soft, hair-like covering of a sheep.

19 - noise - any sounds that we can hear, some sounds may be soft and others loud;
freedom – ability to make choices

20 – Insects – small bug; sail - the piece of cloth attached to a sailboat that allows the boat to move when it catches the wind

21 – Cowboy – occupation in which cattle is herded or horses tended

22 - Gust - a sudden strong blast of wind.

23 - Autumn - explain that this is another name for the season we more commonly call fall; humor – something that makes you laugh

24 - Flake - a flake is usually a thin, small, flat piece of something. Snow falls in flakes; Museum – a building to learn about things

25 - Leash - a leash is a strap, rope, or chain used to lead an animal, such as a dog.

26 - Whiskers - the long hairs growing near the mouth of a rabbit. Angels –
messengers from God

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