Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bird Day

Our Social Studies Unit includes exploration of habitats, life cycles and comparing the needs of animals.

I asked these questions to the children,

1 Where do birds live?
-- How do you build a nest? What materials are used?
*We will make edible bird's nests:

Directions Ingredients
Place squares of wax paper onto to individual plates. Put cereal in a large bowl. If using brick chocolate, break into pieces. Melt chocolate chips or pieces in the microwave, or over low heat on stove, just until melted. Pour melted chocolate over cereal, mix together to coat. Place mounds of chocolate/chow mien mixture onto several plates (on top of waxed paper). Have children form the mixtures into nests. Be sure the chocolate has cooled, but don't wait too long or it will harden!
Using peanut butter as an adhesive, "glue" down the jelly beans and candy coated chocolate eggs inside the nest cavity. "Glue" marshmallow chick on the edge of or inside of the nest.
Rice Crispies, broken shredded wheat, or Chow mien noodles
chocolate chips or brick chocolate
Jelly beans or candy coated chocolate eggs
marshmallow chicks (optional)
peanut butter
wax paper
paper plates (colored plates optional)

2 - What do birds eat?
3 - What sounds do birds make?
4 - Why do birds fly south for the winter?

AWESOME Website for Science Questions:

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