Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here's to YOU 2012

So carrying on the usual theme for the New Year, I have a resolution, well TWO actually...

1 - I am striving to be a better mom.
2 - I want us all to work as a more cohesive unit - On other words - BE A BETTER FAMILY.

With every change, lengthy or short, there are always steps to success. And of course being the planner that I am...
A: Reset priorities. While our children are the most important part of my life, I need to realize that I matter too, and the relationship between Matt and I is just as important. You’re a better mom when you place yourself as a priority.

2- Learn from the past. Instead of sulking and crying over the tough times encountered over the past few years, I will recognize that nobody is perfect. Yet, I will work toward it. No advice on being a better mom would be complete without suggesting that you learn from your past mistakes. Whatever it is that you weren’t satisfied with or that impacted your life in a not so positive way, review it and learn from it.

3- Stop worrying about what other people think. THIS IS MY SINGLE MOST DIFFICULT CHALLENGE! How I raise my children is my business. While at times I will weigh what others say, (assuming they’re worth listening too) I will ultimately make the decision as to what I believe is int he best interest of MY children and just close my eyes and ears to what other people say. At the end of the day I know MY children and I’ve been given instincts by God on how to raise each of them.

In making a BETTER, more successful and HAPPIER family

A New Day
I know making simple, conscious decisions about our everyday life can influence our physical and mental well-being. Following through on the right resolutions about health and lifestyle choices is not difficult, especially if a firm idea of areas of improvement are established, and understand that small, gradual steps typically have better results than cold-turkey or all-or-nothing approaches.
Each day, I will take some time to consider areas of our life we would like to improve.
* Becoming healthier,
* More generous,
* Less stressed,
* Establish greater organization
* More optimistic.

2. Family Appreciation
We started last year on our weekly trips and they slowly faded for a number of reasons. While I know it is not feasible to commit to that, I know we can commit to family time each week. We will attempt to take a small trips together bi-weekly, whether it be going to an art gallery, museum, or simply walked down at the park.

3. Laugh it off
I have been long recommended using positive thoughts as a way to lessen or prevent the effects of illness and disease. Expressing positive emotions is associated with lowered production of the stress hormone cortisol, better immune function, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. Our GOALS are

* eating a healthy diet,
* exercising regularly
* getting adequate sleep.
* expressing emotional reactions honestly
* talking things through - view the cup as half full instead of half empty.

4. Learning to Forgive
Forgiveness is beneficial not only mentally but physically as well. People who forgive tend to be less angry, depressed, stressed out and anxious, and have lower blood pressure and heart rates than those who hold grudges.

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