Friday, January 16, 2009

My Birthday

It seems that when you become a parent it matters not the occasion, it is always the child that plans are arranged for. What a special feeling to be able to share another birthday with our little man.
We took Jonathan to the Rain Forest Cafe in the West Farms Mall to celebrate my birthday. Jonathan seemed to love it so much when we had gone for Matt's birthday and since he was so much younger then, we figured he would like it even more this time around.
He did.
Unfortunately, since my brain has fallen out of my body after Jonathan was born (despite popular belief IT WAS there before) I forgot to bring the memory card for the camera. There are only three pictures and absolutely no video of him smiling and staring at the elephants, monkeys and thunder storms.
Since Jonathan is such a big boy, he even ordered hims own meal, although he thought the crayons tasted a little better then the chicken.

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